True Story Of An Addict S01 E51

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I left the hospital around 12noon. I called Janet to inform her that I was already on my way home,

Me: Can you start coming now or you're busy?

Janet: I am not doing anything sir. I will start coming now. Prepare something for me o.

Me: What will you like to eat?

Janet: What do you have at home?

Me: I've got food stuffs I hardly cook. Maybe you'll cook what you want.

Janet: Ok.

I called Ini too and lied to her that I just got to my uncle's place,

Ini: Eeyah! Sorry baby. Extend my love to him ok?

Me: Yeah I will.

I joined a BRT bus and sat beside the window, waiting for other passengers to come in. That day was unusual because there were scanty people coming our direction. What was supposed to take 10mins or there about to fill up ran into more than 30mins and still counting. I got really bored and angry. I would have had enough money on me for a taxi if not that I gave Cynthia some at the hospital. I was only left with #500 which will be enough to take me home if I join a public transport. "It's gonna be one boring moment", I enthused. Well, na house I dey go now; no rushing. I brought out my phone to listen to some music as it has become my custom to do so whenever I am bored. After listening to like 5 Korean songs, I changed my mind and switched to videos. I used to have some movies on my phone then. So, that afternoon, Troy was my choice, starring Brad Pitt. Little by little, passengers started filling up the bus. In my mind I was wishing no man should sit beside me; na girl I want. You know that kind thing now? Lol.

Finally, someone sat beside me. The smell from this person was so fresh and adorable. When I raised up my head to see who it was, my heart almost escaped my heart. Sitting beside me was a fresh decent girl. She looked like she belonged to the working class; lovely dress sense and great composure.

I left the film I was watching and feasted my eyes on this damsel sitting beside me. The first place my eyes went to was her finger. I need to be sure she is not married; and yes, she wasn't. Second, I moved my eyes up, starting from her legs, up to her b0s0m. A quick glance at her bottom even while she was seated sent a reminisce of the lyrics in one of Olamide's hit song, 'silly Love': She carry front,..complete the rest. Finally I looked at her face...and our eyes met. Unknown to me, she has been following the way I was sizing her up. I quickly turned my probing look into a smiling look,

Me: Good afternoon.

Girl: Afternoon. What are you looking for? Because I think you've been looking at my legs.

Not knowing what to say, my mouth just kept saying whatever comes to my mind,

Me: Oh! Actually I thought I would never see this type of your shoes on anyone other than my female friend. She claimed there is only one of it in Nigeria. So, I was a bit surprised when I saw someone else put on the same shoe other than her. I am sorry.

Girl: No need to apologize. That your friend must be living in utopia. There are millions, if not billions of this type of shoe. And since she's not the only girl in the world, others can have it too...if they can afford it.

Me: Ehen! I said it. Don't mind her jare. I am Femi by the way.

Girl: I am Osas by name.

Me: Osas? Nice name. I work with MTN Nigeria (I showed her my ID which was already in my wallet).

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