True Story Of An Addict S01 E10

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Sometimes if I don't sleep unclad, I sleep with my jalamia*, with nothing under. I managed to sleep that night with a sad and heavy heart. To me, I just destroyed my good manners less than 24hrs? It was a serious burden on my heart. Anita and I had exchanged numbers the previous night before the whole sh*t happened. At a point, I felt like sending her an apology for what happened. I thought and thought of what to say but no words came to my head. Soon, I lost courage to text her, so I slept off - with a heavy heart!

7am in the morning my phone woke me up. Anita was calling. I became scared that she would abuse me or that she might have reported me to her brother, Godwin. I didn't answer the call the first time. Then, she called again. This time, I felt like, well, the worst has happened; do whatever you want! I answered the call and she said,

Anita: Na wah for you oo. Na so you dey sleep ni? I'm inside the bathroom. Please come help me fix this shower. I don't know why it's malfunctioning today.

Me: Ok.

For my mind I was like, na because of ordinary shower this one come wake me up? Mtcheeww. Lest I delayed, I hurried off my bed and headed for Godwin's apartment with jalamia only. Suddenly, it dawn on me that she was inside the bathroom when she called. Jezz! I dey go meet a girl inside bathroom alone? Well, if it's only to fix her shower, that should be no problem, I said to myself. True to her words, I met Anita in the bathroom with only a small white towel covering her bossom and bottom.

Anita: Good morning Femi. Sorry I disturbed you. I don't know why this shower is behaving like this today.

Me: Good morning. That's no problem, I'll fix it.

While I was about the shower, my eyes keep straying to and fro Anita's beautiful yet, tempting skin. In a jiffy, I was done fixing it. She thanked me and I left the bathroom. I was about entering my apartment when Anita's voice called out to me again. I went back to Godwin's place and she was still in the bathroom.

Anita: Sorry Femi. I forgot to tell you that the WC too is fumbling. Please help me fix it, I wanna poo too.

Me: Ok. Let me try.

Guys, na just one small string comot inside o. Anyways, I got it fixed. She thanked me again and I left the bathroom. I had hardly left Godwin's house when she called me back again. I had no choice but to go back. Only this time, Anita was completely unclad, with the shower running. I almost fainted at the sight of her great chemistry. Mehn, Anita is a goddess. In her words,

Anita: Please Femi, my back is the first place I wash while bathing. Can you help me?

I stood still like an iced fish. I just couldn't move. Wash your back ke? Serious gobe! She called my name twice before I could move my legs. I took the sponge from her and I began scrubbing her back. Meanwhile, my 3rd leg was shouting underneath my jalamia violently. I tried as much as I can to make it less visible to Anita...

I was still scrubbing Anita's back when she suddenly turned around and face me. Guys, I can't explain the feeling that day. The only thing moving in my body were my heart, which was at a speed of 1000km/secs and my 3rd leg, dangling from left to right waiting for invitation. She held my head and whispered into my ears,

"I loved what I saw last night Femi. I even dreamt about it. Can I see it again?"

She moved her hand down south and met a stiff-stony-angry soldier ready to defend its territory. She lifted u my jalamia and knelt down before. As if a cold water was poured on my 'general', her mouth moved back and forth my shaft. That was my first oral. It felt like heaven. I couldn't say a word audibly, but in my mind, I was screaming, "Baby don't stop!" After about 7mins, she left my general alone, cleaned up her body and whispered, "To your tent, O Femi." Like a zombie, I walked out of the bathroom. She held me back and asked me to go lock up the two entrance to both our apartments. Like a mugu, I did. Then she said, "Am I gonna walk on foot to your bed?" She lifted up her hands while she said those words. Without thinking, I carried her straight into my house, la!d her on my bed and....*coughs* that's all. What we started around 8am finished at about 11am. We were both exhausted and weak. After relaxing about 10 mins, she left my apartment while I lay still on my bed weak, tired, exhausted and, most importantly, SERVED!

To Be Continued........

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