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I slide the fuel barrel into Pamela's office and wrap the wire around it.

Brooklyn picks through the records before choosing one. I had just finished wiring one fuel tank to another when she started up the record.

"You couldn't have chose a better song?" I question her taste.

"Sebastian played that shit. Better to blow up a shit record than actually good stuff."

"Come on. We got less than five minutes to get outta here," I hold my hand out to her.

Brooklyn grabs my hand and hops over the fuel tanks. She pauses by the door and I pause.

"Brooke?" I question.

She was still in the office. I tug her hand, but she doesn't move. I step into the office to see what she was looking at.

Pamela had a picture on the wall of Brooklyn, Sebastian, Pamela, and Pamela's late father. I could tell that Brooklyn's smile was her fake one in the photo.

"You can take it," I remind.

Brooklyn lets go of my hand and delicately picks the photo off the wall.

"Brooke, we gotta go," I urge.

She smiles and slams the photo onto the floor. The frame shatters and she stomps on it once before taking my hand and pulling me into a run outside the office.

When we make it outside, the smell of fuel was so overpowering I felt a little dizzy. But, I continue following Brooklyn.

"Let's go! Speed it up!" Mercer shouts. "The fuel is in the sewers. A team is opening the gates now."

I push Brooklyn to the truck. She grabs the pole and I shove her upwards by her back. Mercer grabs my arm and tugs me into the back of the truck. Once we're in, Mercer bangs his hand on the window and the truck speeds off down the road.

I knew we were cutting it close. The music stops.

"Down!" Mercer commands.

I wrap an arm around Brooklyn and those of us in the back of the truck huddle down for protection.

A memory hits me.

I remember Carol tucking me away in her arms as the CDC blew up outside the RV. I remember Rick's voice as he shouted for us to get back. I remember Sophia's tears. I remember Lori patting my cheek once we started moving again- asking me if I was okay. I remember crying on Lori's shoulder as Carl held onto my hand- three of my fingers taking up his entire palm.

A blow of heat surges past the vehicles we were in.

I hide my face in Brooklyn's hair and sigh in relief.

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Brooklyn rubs my back. I couldn't help but stare out the window as Maggie spoke one on one with Negan. I couldn't hear what they were talking about. But, I could see Maggie start to cry. I see her mouth Glenn's name. Then, she walks away.

When Maggie sees us in the window, she stumbles a bit through her tears. I push the door open and Brooklyn and I hurry to Maggie's side.

Maggie dives into Brooklyn's hold, crying on her shoulder. Brooklyn rubs her back and whispers in Maggie's ear.

My leg jumps a few times. I pat Maggie's arm and head toward Negan.

"Jihyun," Brooklyn calls.

I storm in front of Negan and look down at where he was sitting. He had his face buried in his hands. Slowly, he looks up at me with tear stained cheeks and flooding eyes.

"Are you.. keeping your promise..?" he gasps out.

I look back to Maggie and Brooklyn.

Clearly, Maggie and Negan talked about the past. By the way they acted, she didn't forgive him. She didn't move on.

Brooklyn told me that Negan saved her life. Negan saved Judith's life once before. Hell, he probably saved my life during the fight with the Reapers.

"I wish you knew him," I tell Negan. "Glenn."

Negan's bottom lip quivers.

"Because then, you'd fully understand what you took from this family. From Maggie. Glenn.. he would've defended you. When he saw that you were trying. That you were hurting. He would have given you a hand and helped you through your shit."

I hold my hand out. Wary, Negan puts his hand in mine. I pull him to his feet.

"Glenn would've been your friend. But, to you, he's just another life that you added to your body count. He's just another dead guy to you."

Negan looks into my eyes.

"What did Maggie say?" I ask.

"She said that.. that Annie and I earned out place if we want to stay. But.. don't be surprised if there are days she can't look at me," he answers.

"When Rick kept you alive.. Maggie was so upset that she took Hershel and went on the road because she couldn't bare the thought of you being alive after what you did. She wouldn't even let me come with her. She just.. left. For six years."

Negan looks at the ground in shame.

"She could've died out there. Her son, too. All because the thought of you being around hurt her. And that was when you were in a prison in Alexandria and she was in Hilltop. Do you honestly think she can deal with living in the same community with you now?"

"I don't. And I wouldn't blame her if she couldn't," he admits.

"You saved my girlfriend's life.. I'm thankful for that. I don't know if I could've gone through that pain again."

Negan nods, his eyes landing on our hands.

"But, you still killed my best friend. And you put Maggie in pain just because she sees you."

"I'm sorry," Negan whispers.

"You saved Brooklyn's life. So, this is me repaying that," I say and let go of Negan's hand, finally. "Leave. You and Annie get the hell away from this place. From Hilltop. That's how you survive. That's how we move on."

Negan puts his hands in his pockets and sniffles, nodding his head.

"Go," I urge. "Before anyone changes their mind on sparing you."

Negan wipes his face on his shoulder to clear the tears. Then, he walks past me and leaves.

 Then, he walks past me and leaves

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𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇 𝓇𝒶𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈--

fuck negan rights have i said that lately

the next chapter is the last,, this book flew by omg 

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