Ch. 27 Bye, Sammy Girl

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I decided to continue to what happened next..... =\


I growled as soon as I saw the flames 'it would have been better if she had been in jail, at-least then she wouldn't have to see this! I fucked up again!'

"where are we?" she asked sounding like she was in shock, "where did you take me?" she asked, I looked down; what have I done?!

"Mr. Immortal where did you take me?!?!" she screamed, then she covered her mouth, "there's no way.... there's just no way!!" she screamed, she ran into the house, "BETH!" I screamed, she kept going, "dammit!" I muttered following after her.

When I finally caught up with her she was in her kitchen; they really were cruel with this one, they even drank their blood in the kitchen as if to mock her. "Will...?" I heard a voice behind me, I didn't look back, if they were going to kill me they could just go ahead and do it; I don't care!

Beth looked at the bodies in shock, then she saw their necks, "v-v-v-vampires!" she screamed, oh fuck, she figured it out! Had she known we were vampires when we tormented her these past months? or did she just figure it out? I decided that now it might be important to see who was behind me; because now they might try to kill her before she tells other people.

Behind me was Sammy, she started approaching Beth getting ready to attack, I stopped her, "don't!" I said venemously, she looked sad and hurt, and confused for a second, but then her emotions turned to anger, "it's not like that huuh?!?!?! You DON'T like her HUUHH?!???!" she screamed. "A HUMAN!!!" she screamed.

"calm down Sammy! we're not supposed to hurt her, it's a specific part of the assignment!" I said loudly but calmly, she growled and grabbed Beth by the hair and put her mouth near her neck, "Will, if you don't kill this girl, I will! And if you try to stop me, I swear to god I will kill you too!" she said.

Beth started choking from the smoke, and after a while she passed out, Sammy laughed, "or maybe neither one of us will have to kill her, maybe the weak human will die on her own!" she said laughing hysterically, I growled, "just hand her over to me..." I said calmly, she shook her head, "No!" she screamed.

"You stupid sadistic bitch! Give me that girl now or I will throw you into the flames!" I yelled losing my patience, tears filled her eyes, she extended her fangs and got ready to put them into Beth's neck, before she could I tackled her to the ground.

"why are you doing this Will?!" she asked crying, I groaned and got her off the floor, I pushed her against the wall, and she growled, she smashed a piece of wood off from the table, and held it towards me, I smashed her harder into the wall, "listen to me, I don't want to kill you!" I said sincerely. She spat in my face, "should you really be the one saying that in this current situation?" she asked.

I frowned, "PLEASE!" I begged, "please just put that down and calm down!" I said. Her eyes softened for a second.......... but then she plunged the piece of wood towards me and tried to stake me through the heart, I sighed.

I grabbed the piece of wood out of her hand and put it through her heart instead, she died instantly (I didn't even think vampires could die instantly, I thought it was always slow and painful) I looked at her sadly, but then turned away, and went to get the passed out Beth.

I lugged her over my shoulder and carried her out, she was so warm...I succeeded in getting her out but then I tripped on something, I fell, and made sure that Beth didn't get hurt, I looked at her, she really was beautiful, I checked her pulse, she was still alive..

I thought about how good her blood tasted, I sighed, it's her fault for being unconscious in-front of me. I removed her hair from her neck, inserted my fangs into her neck, and tasted as the blood gushed into my mouth, but I didn't drink for too long, I'm afraid she'll lose too much blood if I went on for too long.

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