Ch. 38 The Road Less Traveled By

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I walked into a door with Todd. He held the door open for me, I met Todd a few years ago when we came here, he kept to himself most of the time, I like him for that! As soon as I walked in, I almost tripped, the entire place looked like it was spinning in every direction!

Todd grabbed my arm before I fell and held me up straight, I like Todd, Todd is helpful...


Me and Jeremy walked into our door smiling. But we immediately stopped when we saw the room we had walked into, it was like we had walked through the gates of hell, the air was literally a red mist, the path before us was made of pitch black pavement; complimented nicely with the pitch black trees drooping on both sides of it, there is literally lava shooting up from the ground for god's sake!!!

Jeremy and I looked from each other, to the landscape, then back at each other, then, we burst out laughing, I gasped for air "I nearly just pissed my pants!" I laughed, he nodded while continuing to laugh "I'm surprised the door didn't slam shut behind us!" he agreed, we couldn't help it, it was just so ridiculously terrible! We continued to laugh and crack jokes as we slid down to the cold dark pavement.

Our laughter died down after I sighed out the words "we are so gonna die", all the sudden after I said them out loud, I seriously registered them in my head, the lack of laughter almost served as an agreement in itself.

I felt a slight chill I hadn't noticed before and started looking at the ground, Jeremy elbowed me, and I looked back to him, he smiled, "did you notice the crack of thunder at the top of the haunted hill over there?" He asked seriously, I tried to stay serious, "pfff-" I started laughing again, "I hate you!" I laughed.


Me and Todd struggled to walk in a straight line as our world was turning every which way, I spotted a swarm of enemies heading towards us, "Todd!" I yelled, "I see" he replied while looking at them, he pulled out his knives while I started chanting.

After a while I started getting a little annoyed at how much better Todd was doing than me, his knives all hit the enemies with perfect accuracy despite the conditions we're in, and the cool thing about his knives is that when they hit their target, they send out enough electricity to fry it to a crisp, while I needed to concentrate really hard to find my targets, then chant my spell before they reach me.

I almost felt like tripping Todd or something because of how bad I looked in comparison to him, we both turned to look at each other quickly, but he gasped and threw a knife in my direction when he saw me. I almost had a heart attack, then I looked behind me and saw that there had been an enemy creeping up behind me that he killed just then, "oh, thank you" I said as I focused on the enemies again.

He made sure to take a moment to politely nod at me and say 'you're welcome'........ I change my mind, I like Todd again! Todd knows how to fight! For some reason, the first thing I thought of after thinking about fighting was Will and Sadie, I wonder if they're getting along...


I clung to the branch of the tree for dear life "get the hell down here!!" Donkey yelled at me as he ran around the tree with the gnomes following right behind him, "no, just take one for the team and lead them somewhere else!" I squealed, "SADIE!!" he yelled aggravated.


I shook my head, 'I have my own problems to worry about!' I thought as another swarm approached, "Aimee!" Todd warned, "I see!" I said looking at them, I like Todd! Todd is polite!


I glared at Will as he took Sadie's hand, 'if you hurt her I'll kill you' what is that even supposed to mean?! I've known him for longer! what's so great about that selfish, rude, childish little brat?!

What's wrong with me..?

Zachary awkwardly walked over to me when everybody else found their partner, we walked into the door I had made sure I had saved for me. It was like a hallway that seemed to go on forever, it had a red carpet, the kind of carpet that you wouldn't even notice if it was soaked in blood, and it was darkly lit.

"Creepy" Zachary said quietly, I turned back to face him, he looked a little surprised, "sorry about this Zach." I lied, he looked confused now "abou-" he was cut off by the sound of him gurgling on his own blood, I continued walking, silently congratulated myself for successfully slitting someone's throat for once, a laugh echoed through the hallway. I looked down modestly, as the exit of the hallway appeared a couple feet in front of me.

Time to begin



Oh admit it, you knew that bitch was up to something!

Yep, just finally learned how to do the italics on my iiPod and now I shall never stop using it O.o


I am un-stOPPABLE!!!!!!!!!


see you next Wednesday...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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