Ch. 21 Do Not Do Drugs! >:{

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I looked back at my team; it consisted of my boyfriend Adan, my mom, my dad, my sister Kyla, my brother Bobby, Aimee, and Will.

Then I kept walking; everything was in black and white, and I was smoking a pipe like in really old detective TV shows, I adjusted my ginormous sun glasses, and pulled on my beige jacket.

"so what's the story?" I asked while still walking, Adan came up and walked beside me, "we've got a bad one today, apparently, a love crazed girl, has been doing heartless crimes to get the attention of her crush"

I winced, "crimes such as...?" I asked, he frowned, "take a look!" he said handing me pictures. I examined them, on the first picture I saw what looked like it was taken from a security camera in a bank.

It showed her stealing countless amounts! "despicable isn't it?" Adan asked, I nodded in disgust, "how terrible!!!! Everyone knows your only supposed to take ONE lollipop!!" I yelled.

"there's more." Adan said, and I started looking at more pictures, "ugh! What is this?! Writing on a bathroom wall!" I said looking at a picture of her in the bathroom with a marker pressed against the wall, she looked right at the camera and held up a piece sign as she stuck her tongue out, I read what she wrote on the wall "I just wrote on this wall, take THAT society!" I read out loud.

"HORRIBLE" I yelled in a high-pitched voice. Adan looked at me, "but that's not the worst of it, what she's really famous for is this!" he said handing me another pile of pictures.

In these pictures were the most terrifying thing I'd ever seen, it was the girl...only this time she was dressed up! She wore cat ears, and cat whiskers, and short-shorts, and big paws, and a tail!

And the things she was doing were unforgivable!! In the first picture, she was on the streets with some man and she was holding up his underwear giving him a wedgie, "no doubt, she doesn't even know him!!"

The second picture was her peeking her head up behind a trashcan looking at some man who was about to slip on a banana peel that was most likely put there by her! And the next picture was her laughing as the same guy was on the ground after slipping on the banana.

"I can't look at anymore!" I said handing the pictures back to him, he gave me a serious look, "she calls herself 'cat woman' but the people have nicknamed her 'cat wanna-be'"

I shook my head, "this is almost as bad as the hash slinging slasher, we had to do last week!" (video of their case last week is in this link:, I dunno if you can click on that link or whatever, I meant to put it on the side but wattpad was all like "nooo that's invalid!!!" grrrrr... Anyway! I didn't make that video and I take no credit in making it, but whoever did; deserves a medal!!! :D)

Adan nodded, "but I'm sure, one of us would've done the same thing for each-others attention and love, just think how badly we could've turned out...." he said thoughtfully. I looked at him passionately and took my pipe out of my mouth, and then he pulled me towards him and kissed me.

My dad burst through us and broke us up, "anyway, we don't have any suspects yet, but we suspect that she still goes to school, so we'll check there first."

I gave a slightly frightened look, "but....-" I started, Kyla finished my sentence for me, "me and Beth are allergic to school! It would be dangerous for us to go in!" she stated.

My dad looked at us seriously, "if you feel endangered, you don't have to go in, does anyone else feel the same way?" he asked.

I looked at Adan as he raised his hand, then I looked back and saw, Aimee, Will, mom, and Bobby were all raising their hands. My mom looked around and smacked Bobby on the back of the head, "OW" Bobby whined, "go help your father!" mom said firmly.

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