Ch. 13 Ooh! New Assignment!

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Lisas POV

"Is this where it happened? was it in this room that it happened? And that's why you're here" the intruder said.

Jonathon sighed, "if he says one more thing, I'll kill him!" he said gritting his teeth, I plopped down on the disgusting floor, "I guess it is a little annoying..."

"Lisa don't be so shy, you know you feel like punching him in the face as much as we all do!" Sarah said. I sat down with my knees bent up and I hid my face in my knees but didn't bother denying what she said.

"oh leave Lisa alone! She's just being nice" Mathew said waving his hand around, Sarah crossed her arms, "I'm just stating what she's thinking!"

"are you tryin to communicate with me?" the intruder asked. I could literally see the annoyance on Jonathon's face, "shut.up." he said slowly.

I giggled, Sarah was too annoyed, she decided to walk up to the intruder, she grabbed the tape recorder he was holding -he had it with him so that he could go over what we said later- and threw it against a wall smashing it into pieces.

"That was going a little too far" Mathew mumbled, "look! You made him scared!" he complained, she smiled "I know! It was fun!" she then burst out laughing as she looked at the intruders face.

"poor guy" I said under my breath, Jonathon laughed too, "Sarah..." he said smiling at her, they then proceeded to mess with the guy.

Sarah blew in his ear, and he freaked out and started shaking, Jonathon smacked him in the back of the head, and the guy jumped and looked behind him.

Sarah pulled on his hair, and he screamed, I shrunk down "w-why are you guys being so mean to him?" I asked quietly. Jonathon looked at me and sighed, "he's the insensitive prick who only gets involved with us because he wants to be famous!"

Sarah nodded, "everyone is heartless now, everyone is just like-" before she could finish, I blocked my ears and hid my head in my lap.

She looked guilty, "I didn't mean to- sorry!" she said quickly, I looked up and saw Nate in front of me, "Lisa, your gonna be okay now, nobody will be able to do that to us anymore, you'll be safe from now on!" he said, he really looked serious.

I didn't respond and I just nodded, he smiled and gave me a hug, after that I hid my face in my lap again (but this time I was just hiding a blush).

I knew Sarah well enough to know that she was rolling her eyes, "no shit nobody will be able to do that to us anymore, what more could they do?"

"oh shut your trap Sarah!" Mathew said annoyed, sarah just stuck her tongue out at him, Nate glared at both of them then sighed deeply, "you guys are so immature"

He then got up (he was bending down to my level before) went over to the intruder and grabbed his shirt, then dragged him away to the front door.

I flinched 'that's gonna make him way more scared than he was with Jonathon and Sarah'. I stood up and ran to the frontdoor, and everyone else followed behind me.

The only door that we can't open is the front door, Im not sure why, I'm pretty sure it's for more of a punishment. But the point is, the only time we get to see the outside world is when an intruder opens the door.

When we got to the door I saw Nate dropping the intruder at the door, and the guy didn't waste a second before bolting out, he even left the door open behind him! I smiled eagerly and looked outside, but I immediately frowned, "i-it's the same as b-before" I said almost bursting into tears.

Rain, clouds, and darkness!! Why can't we ever see a blue sky anymore? It's been almost ten years since I last saw a blue sky!

"I'm sorry" Jonathon said sadly, pulling me close protectively, I cuddled my head into him. "SHIT!" Sarah screamed punching a wall, she WAS crying.

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