Chapter 3

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Cheryl handed everyone their food and sat down at the table

They started to eat and Cheryl got up to use the bathroom

Toni felt Her cheeks blushing as Cheryl stood up to go to the bathroom just seeing the redhead walk away turned her on like no tomorrow

Once dinner was done

Veronica texted Toni were outside

so she opened the backdoor and invited them in

Cheryl: Toni really

Toni: What

Cheryl: your mum said no friends over

Toni: do you think I care what my mum said

Veronica hit her arm: Be nice

Toni: I mean can they stay for a little bit please

Cheryl: Yes but only for an hour or so

Toni smiled at cheryl as she walked to her games room with both girls

Betty: you were right she's stunning

Toni: I told you I swear she has some kind of power over me

Veronica: i can't believe you have a fit redhead babysitter looking after you does she know about your thing

Toni: no of course not why would I tell her that she said laughing

Veronica: i don't know it was just a question

They all laughed and played the Xbox

At 9.30 pm Cheryl ran the bath for Layla and walked to Toni's room she knocked the door and entered: Time for your friends to go home

Toni: Alright I'll see you later guys she said hugging both the girls

Cheryl: alright I'm going to go wash up but please make sure to keep an eye on your sister she's in the bath

Toni: Fine she said sighing and going into the bathroom

20 minutes later
Layla got ready for bed

Layla: can you read me a story please

Cheryl: of course sweetheart

Layla grabbed Charlotte's web and got into bed Cheryl started reading to her and Toni stood at the door listening in

Once Layla was asleep Cheryl walked out her room and shut the door behind her

Cheryl: Toni make sure you don't go to bed too late you have school in the morning

Toni groaned and went back to her room

Cheryl walked downstairs and sat on the couch and called Addison

Cheryl: Hey babe do you fancy coming to keep me company

Addison: sure baby why not send me the address and I'll be with you within the next half hour I love you

Cheryl: I love you too she hung up and texted the address

30 minutes later Addison arrived and they both sat on the sofa cuddling while watching the series sex education

At 1.30 am Toni came downstairs to grab a drink and saw Cheryl cuddling with some random girl

Toni: Ah hum she coughed really loud getting there attention: Who's this then

Cheryl: this is my girlfriend Addison

Toni: well why is she here in my house Toni said jealously

Cheryl: Toni lower your voice your sister is asleep

Toni purposely raised her voice: I don't care I want to know why she's here

Cheryl got up and pulled Toni into the kitchen

Cheryl: What's your problem why are you acting out

Toni: I'm not she said rolling her eyes I just don't want a stranger in my house I don't even want you here but I guess I'll have to deal with it she said lying and stropping

Cheryl suddenly felt a tear fall from her eye: well if you don't want me here I guess I'll never come back

Toni automatically regretted opening her mouth: wait no I'm sorry please come back she said but Cheryl had already walked off back to the living room

Toni walked after her: I'm so sorry I didn't mean it she said

Cheryl: Toni just leave it and go to bed now

Toni felt tears run down her face as she walked up the stairs and went to bed

At 2pm Lauren walked through the door

Lauren: How were they

Cheryl: Layla was good as gold she's so adorable bless her and I didn't really see much of Toni she said lying

Lauren: well I'm so happy they were good for you can I book you again same time Wednesday

Cheryl: oh unfortunately I'm busy Wednesday she said telling another lie

Lauren: that's not a problem just text me when your next available it seems like Layla really likes you she's normally a bit of a pickle for new babysitters

Cheryl: of course I'll let you know and no Layla wasn't a pickle she was absolutely amazing

Lauren: I'm so glad here's your money and it was lovely meeting you Cheryl

Cheryl: it was nice to meet you too she said as she walked to her car and drove home hoping to never have to see that house again

Authors bit

I know your on the edge of your seats wondering what will happen next

I will let you know that yes Cheryl does indeed go back to the house as you will see in the next chapter when some juicy scenes will happen 🤭😉

Hope you like this chapter 😍

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