Chapter 19

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Cheryl got her suitcase from under the bed and started packing

Penelope: Cheryl you have 10 minutes to be packed and downstairs otherwise you're going to regret it

Cheryl felt tears running down her face she had grown a fear towards her mother she quickly threw everything she could into the suitcase and rushed down the stairs

Penelope: now get in the car and I'll explain where your going

Cheryl picked her heavy suitcase up and placed it in the back of the car

Cheryl: so where are we going she said confused

Penelope: well because you cant seem to listen to my rules and stay away from Toni you will be moving to Florida to go live with your sister and her boyfriend

Cheryl: wait I'm going to live with Stephanie

Penelope: yes obviously you're going to live with Stephanie but remember nobody knows about her so it's needs to be kept a secret

Cheryl: I know mum but why are you sending me away I haven't done anything

Penelope: Cheryl look I'm doing what's best for my grandbaby and you staying here with toni would be disgraceful and irresponsible.

Cheryl: mum she's the mother of my baby

Penelope: I don't care you should have kept your legs shut then young lady Ive told you a million times before use protection but you don't listen so I'm going to take your phone off you now so you have no contact with her do you understand my rules

Cheryl: yes mum I understand she said starting to cry

Penelope: stop showing weakness your better than this now try get some sleep it's going to be a long journey she said with a evil grin on her face

_______at the airport________

Penelope picked up everything and took Cheryl inside

Penelope: right here's your passport and plane ticket make sure your sister texts me once your there

Cheryl: okay mum she said boarding her plane

Once Cheryl took her seat she started thinking to herself

"Maybe mums right and Toni only did this because she felt bad"

"What if Toni only stayed with me because of the baby"

After 20 minutes of constant thoughts overpowering her brain she finally made a decision

Cheryl: I need to get over Toni this is what's best for me and the baby it will be hard but you deserve better she said holding her stomach

Cheryl: Now let's get some sleep baby we've got a long few hours ahead of us she said Laying her head down and falling asleep

Authors bit

I know you probably hate this chapter but it's full of drama and that's what we like 😂

I'm not going to let any spoilers out for the next few chapters so you guys will just have to hang on to the edges of your seats

Thank you for reading

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