Chapter 14

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Paremedic: Cheryl if you can hear me I need you to hang on in there okay sweetheart

Cheryls eyes flickered as she got pulled into the room

Paremedic: we have movement so let's  get the IV in can you call her family to let them know what's happened please then we will start with some tests

.  .  .

2 hours later Cheryl woke up to the pungent smell of hospital disinfect

The room was silent apart from her heavy breathing and the beep beep sound you often hear in hospitals that indicates you're alive
she slowly opened her eyes, squinting in attempt to sharpen the blurred images

Cheryl looked around and took in the bare hospital walls she shut her eyes trying to remember what had exactly happened Then it all came back to her
She started panicking
Until a recognisable voice was heard

Toni: it's okay I'm here your safe

Cheryl she opened her eyes: Toni

Toni: yes it's me she said sitting on the bed and pulling her in for a hug

Cheryl: I'm so sorry for everything

Toni: no I'm sorry I couldn't admit I was wrong so I took it out on you and that wasn't fair but I'm so glad you're okay

Cheryl: what happened was in the past I don't care anymore I'm just so glad you're here please never leave me again

Toni: I promise she said laying down and pulling Cheryl in closer Looking into her eyes

Cheryl: you know you can kiss me right

Toni didn't say another word and connected there lips in a passionate kiss

They quickly parted when they heard the sound of the creaky door opening

Nurse: sorry to disturb you I just need to talk to you about a concern we have

Toni: would you like me to leave the room for a minute

Cheryl: no you don't need to leave what is it she said worriedly

Nurse: did you know you are 4 months pregnant we only ask as when you were in the crash you fell on your stomach

Toni: p-pregnant

Cheryl: umm no I had no idea

Nurse: well just to be safe we want to put you in for a few ultrasounds today

Cheryl: yeah of course whatever you think I need

Nurse: alright I'll get them all booked in for you she said leaving both the girls absolutely stunned at what they just heard

.  .  .

Toni: well I definitely wasn't expecting to be a mum so soon

Cheryl: but your okay with it your not going to leave me are you

Toni: look I may seem like the type that will leave but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm never going to leave you again okay

Cheryl: you promise she said holding out her pinky

Toni takes her pinky: I promise we are forever I can see it

Cheryl Cuddles back up to Toni and falls asleep

Toni: I love you so much baby sleep well she said kissing her forehead

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