Chapter 26: Turn Right

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Summary: Sylvie has an off day and Matt gets some good news.

She really shouldn't have stayed over last night. She'd stayed the night before too and she has shift this morning. So does Pete. Luckily her gear is in her trunk and she keeps more than one uniform in her duffle. She could leave from his place and head straight to 51, but 48 hours straight of Peter Mills was addicting and she really should have moderated her exposure.

She feels calloused fingers feather across her jaw and slowly opens her eyes, immediately finding Pete's warm gaze.

"Good morning," Pete says as he bends his head to kiss her softly. "I hate to say this, but...we really have to get up."

"I know," she whines before lightly pressing her lips to his collarbone. "Your bed is much too cozy, though. You can't blame me for wanting to stay right here."

He laughs and she feels it rumble against her. She's tucked into his side with his arm slung around her protectively. Every movement he makes registers against some part of her. She loves it.

"What?" He asks teasingly. "Two days isn't enough?"

She shakes her head and burrows further into him. "Nope. Not in the least."

"Can I persuade you to get up by promising you waffles?" He asks as he rests his chin against the top of her head.

"Only if that offer also includes bacon," she barters.

"I can arrange that," he agrees.

She gets up and throws on his t-shirt that he discarded on the floor last night. As much as she doesn't want to, it's time to start the day and get back to reality.

The closer they get to leaving Pete's apartment, the more his mood darkens. She noticed after she came over that some sort of storm was brewing behind his chocolate eyes, but when she asked him what was wrong he dismissed it. He gave her a quick excuse about a call getting under his skin, but she had a feeling it was more than that.

Not that she blames him. They were abducted and now his father's death may be a murder (with the murderer still at large in the world), she'd be pissed too. Hell, she is pissed. That's why she agreed to see the counselor Boden recommended.

Oh. Wait. Maybe...

"Pete," she says once they're dressed in their uniforms.

"Yeah?" he replies.

She wraps her arms around him from behind and rests her cheek against his broad and sturdy back. God, he's built. She feels so incredibly safe with him. She's never had that before. Harrison never left her feeling protected or treasured. Pete does. She hopes she offers him even a small fraction of that in return.

"Boden recommended that I see this counselor to deal with the trauma of the abduction and everything. I made an appointment for tomorrow after I get off shift." She hesitates to continue but she doesn't want to leave any stone unturned. She wants to help him -- be there for him. "I know you say you're fine, could come with me, if you want. We could go together. I think it might really be helpful for--"

"I appreciate the offer, Brett."

Brett. Not Sylvie. The way his muscles tensed at her suggestion didn't escape her notice either.

He pats her hands as they rest on his chest and turns in her arms to meet her eyes. "I really am fine. I just want to work and get through this whole arson shitshow. You know?"

She bites her tongue, to keep quiet, and nods. She can't force him to talk to someone. He has to want it.

"Okay, but if you change your mind..."

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