Chapter 92: Bed Rest

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7 months later

Sylvie was now 7 months pregnant with a baby girl they had found out a few weeks ago and Shay organised the baby shower it was Sylvie last shift at 51 before moving to OFI.

2 hours into shift

Sylvie was sat with Shay and Matt she suddenly a cramp.

"You Okay" Matt asked

"No just a cramp but I not due for another 2 months" Sylvie said

"Let's get you to Med" Matt said

"It probably nothing but let's get you to Med to be on the safe side I go tell Boden call ahead and get you in 61" Shay said

Shay told Boden be also called ahead Sylvie was in pain Mat helped her into the gurney and Shay drove them to Med.

At Med

"Hi Sylvie Let's get you admitted and do a thorough examination" Dr Manning said

After some examination it turns it was pre labour pains practice ones.

"Right Sylvie I totally normal to have pains like this at this stage in your pregnancy however you now need to remain on bed rest we will move you to the maternity ward soon and monitor you Sylvie I'm admitting you for Bedrest let's get you in gain of course you can wear your own Pyjamas" Dr Manning said

Matt had inform Boden he would not be returning to work for the rest of the day and was going to stay with her.

"Great living in hospital for months" Sylvie said

"Look it will be okay I will be here for you every step of the way" Matt said

"Hey why don't I run back to the your house and pack you bag and bring here with the basics like clothes wash bag that kind of thing" Shay said

"That would be great" Sylvie said

Shay when to Sylvie and Matt house to get her some clothes as Sylvie was on bed rest now Sylvie had been moved to the maternity ward she had her own private room with a bathroom.

"Guys this is your room Matt i put a bed in here for you so you can stay with Sylvie because I know you not going to leave her side so I took the liberty of being in a bed for you and you have a en-suite bathroom" Dr Manning said

"Thank you I'm not thrilled to be on bed rest for 2 months" Sylvie said

Shay had returned with a bag full of clothes both for Matt and Sylvie.

"Hey Leslie thanks for bringing me and Matt some clothes" Sylvie said

"Your welcome I didn't know what you wanted so I grab what i thought you liked" Shay said

Sylvie and Matt both changed out of there work clothes Matt changed into a jeans and T-shirt and Sylvie changed into her pyjamas.

Sylvie was never use to being the patient it was weird for her Matt had informed Boden he would be taking some leave and of course he was ok with it it seems he had some furlough saved up from last year and he would use that Sylvie however had to go on maternity leave early but that was paid by the CFD.

2 weeks later

Since Sylvie had been admitted she had been under close monitoring by Dr Manning Matt had hardly left her side Severide came by yesterday to tempt Matt away it worked Stella sat with Sylvie she had been bored for the last 2 weeks she had binged most of her Netflix list.

"God I'm so bored Shay I mean everything looks good but Dr Manning won't discharge I just not use to being the patient it's so frustrating" Sylvie said

"I hear you Sylvie I really do which is why I brought you some games and cards"Shay said

Matt was out with Severide at Molly's for a few hours he needed to get out that hospital even just for few hours Shay was with Sylvie so she was not on her own.

"Matt you have been living out of Med for the past few weeks you needed a break" Kelly said

"I know thanks for this but Sylvie my wife i can leave her Shay with her right now it's just she bored we both are she hates not working she can go for a walk around the hospital without being in a wheelchair" Matt said

Meanwhile at Med

Shay and Brett had been playing cards for awhile it made Sylvie forget about things for awhile and she was entertained Matt and Kelly had come back from Molly's.

"Hey baby how you doing"Matt asked

"Better thanks me and Shay have been playing card games by the way I have spoken to Dr Manning she says everything looks good" Sylvie said

Dr Manning came in.

"I Sylvie i know you have been fed up of being stuck in this room the last two weeks so I have spoken to the nurses and we agreed that if your in a wheelchair you may go outside for some fresh air just on the bench outside the hospital for 20 minutes remember wheelchair only" Dr Manning said

"Okay thanks I have been going a bit stir crazy the last few weeks" Sylvie explained .

Dr Manning brought in a wheelchair and Sylvie transferred in Matt took her outside for some fresh air.

1  month later

Sylvie was 9 mont pregnant she been on bed rest for a least a month she had found it boring most of 51 had been round.

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