Chapter 98: Post partum depression

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Sylvie Baby blues had kicked she got better after that week away with Matt but it got worse with only getting 4 hours sleeping Sylvie wasn't well.

Matt was getting worried about this wife he didn't want to leave her alone when he when on construction jobs so asked Severide or Shay to say with her.

But things got worse when Sylvie took Jasmine up on the roof of 51. They were all trying to keep calm with Matt trying talking her down.

"Sylvie come with me your not well come on come down and we'll take you to the hospital" Matt said

"You promise" Sylvie said

"Yes come on you and Jasmine are both safe" Matt said

Matt got Sylvie down from the roof and helped her into the back of 61 and took her to Ames to see Dr Charles.

Dr Charles Admitted her.

"Mr Casey you wife is suffering from Post natal depression but right now she sedated we keep in the psychiatric ward for a few weeks to monitor her but with the right medication she should be okay" Dr Charles said

"Is she okay" Matt asked

"Yes she sleeping we are keeping a close eye on her but the important thing is to get her better"Dr Charles said

"Can I see her" Matt asked

"Yes of course" Dr Charles

Dr Charles took Matt to see his wife she was fast asleep

2 weeks later

Sylvie have done so well she was being discharged she was better now after some sleep and meds she was doing better.

And best of all she had been cleared to come back to work as long as Sylvie kept taking her meds they was no reason why she couldn't come back Shay had missed Sylvie being on the Ambulance with her.

"We'll look who it is" Shay said

"Morning Shay it's good to be back I still on my meds" Sylvie explain

"Well I'm glad your back I missed having you on Ambo with me" Shay said

Matt and Sylvie were still getting use to being new parents Boden had given them a few tips on how to the best parents while juggling a full time job.

It was no secret that Matt and Sylvie jobs were dangerous with Matt being a firefighter and Sylvie being a paramedic throw a kid into the mix to makes things harder because you have to avoid getting injured on the job more.

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