Chapter 41: Hungry for a Home

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Summary:Shay and Herrmann struggle with a heartbreaking call.

So," Sylvie says as they meet up outside of the firehouse before shift. "I hear you got the strip club job? Sorry, gentleman's club."

He chuckles and nods. "Yes, I did."

"Great! You should pick a stage name. I hear everyone who works there has one," she replies teasingly.

"I should never have told you about this job," Matt says with a laugh and a shake of his head.

"Maybe not. You're too fun to tease," she admits. "But seriously, congrats. I know it's a big deal for you and your business.

"Thank you," he says. "It is."


They both turn to find Severide running up to them. She gives Kelly an expectant glance. "Yes?"

"I need some advice," Severide says, blowing out a nervous breath.

"From me? About what?" Brett asks.

"I'm trying to get an old friend to forgive me for something that happened years ago and she's being a little--"

"Wait," Sylvie says, holding out her hands to cut him off. "She? Who's this she?"

Kelly releases a sigh and rolls his eyes. "An old friend from high school."

"A friend? Or a friend?"

"What's the difference?" He asks.

"One is the kind of friend you did homework with and the other is the kind of friend you made out with. Which was she?"

"Does it matter?" He asks.

"If you want accurate advice? Yes. Otherwise, no."

The hands on her hips and the cheeky grin on her face make Matt laugh lightly. "She's got a point." Matt adjusts the strap of his shoulder and waves at both of them. "I'll leave you guys to figure this out. I still need to change out."

Matt makes his way through the house, headed for the lockers, he passes Kidd on the way.

"Hey, Lieutenant, have you seen Brett?" She asks.

"Yeah, Severide cornered her for some advice about a girl," Matt tells her with snort.

"A girl, huh?" Stella asks.

Something about the look on Stella's face makes Matt wish he hadn't told her that last part. But that's ridiculous. Stella's still married and Severide is single. Matt has no reason to feel guilty. He has enough drama of his own to figure out.

Matt nods. "They were on the app floor last time I checked."

"Thanks!" Stella calls as he turns and walks away from her.

Sometimes, the less he knows then the better off he is. Especially when it comes to his Truck crew.



She almost huffs in frustration. How many people are going to need her today? Don't get her wrong she loves being needed, but she hasn't even made it to her locker yet. She's just finished giving Severide advice when Stella's voice reaches her ears.

"Oh, hey, Severide," Stella says as she approaches. As if she didn't notice the large well-built Squad Lieutenant standing next to Sylvie.

"Kidd," he says with a nod.

"So," Kidd says as she turns away from him to focus on Brett. "I think I'm gonna call that guy Paul."

"From Bubble Lounge?" Sylvie asks in surprise. "I thought you said you only liked him cause you were drunk?"

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