Chapter 49: Crashing Down

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Summary:Matt has a decision to make.

Well, that wasn't exactly the shady business she thought Nesbitt would be involved in and she understands now why Voight and Antonio are so desperate for Matt's help. Sylvie's still not sure Matt should give it to them. Nesbitt's involved in some scary stuff.

She swallows thickly and shoves Antonio's business card in her jacket pocket. He gave it to her just in case Matt told her anything that might help them. He hadn't, but Sylvie took the card anway. Now, though, she needs to talk to Matt.

She's not sure if he should help but he deserves to know what Nesbitt is up to and decide that for himself.

He's sitting on his bunk going over some papers when she walks through the door.

"Everything okay?" He asks worriedly. "Sev and Kidd aren't bothering you anymore, are they?"

"No," she says, stepping further into the room. "Nothing like that. But, um, Antonio was just here."

"I already talked to Voight. What did he want?" Matt asks with a frustration expression.

"To talk to me," she says honestly. "I think he thought maybe I could talk you into it? I don't know because I certainly don't have any intention of talking you into anything. But I do think I need to tell you what he told me. Because...what Nesbitt is a part of--it's pretty bad, Matt. He has a hand in hurting a lot of people."

"I'm afraid to ask," Matt says watching her as she anxiously tucks her hair behind her ears.

"Trafficking girls," she tells him. It's hard to force out the words, but she manages it. "He works with a ring of guys who are smuggling in young women from eastern Europe. Antonio says they funnel them in to work at the club. Some of them are...forced into prostitution."

Matt told her it would be a cold day in hell before he did Voight any favors and, judging by the look on his face, the temperature in hell must have just dropped about forty degrees.

"Damn it," he mutters, rubbing a hand across his brow.

"CPD hasn't been able to get close enough, but they've heard that Nesbitt trusts you and they really think you're their best chance," Sylvie finishes as she sits down across from him on his bunk. "I hate that I'm the one telling you this, by the way. Because at this point in our friendship, I know you. And I know exactly what's going to happen next. For the record, I don't like it."

"You don't want me to do it," he says slowly as he focuses his pensive stare on hers.

"No, I don't. I think you can do it and I think you will because you're a good guy and you hate bullies, but it scares me. These guys Nesbitt's in with...they're dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt or worse."

They stare at each other for a tense moment while she waits to hear what he's decided. Before he can give her an answer, the bells go off. Of course, it's a call for Ambo.

"I've gotta go," she tells him regretfully. "But let me know what you end up deciding."


Sylvie's call took up most of the remainder of their shift so he never got to finish their conversation. Connie found him after he changed out and said Boden wanted to see him. He heads toward the office and finds Severide inside, slumped in a chair.

Severide catches his eye and clicks his tongue in irritation.

"Connie said you wanted to see me, Chief?"

"Yeah, come on in," Boden orders. "Close the door."

Casey bites back a sigh as he sits down next to Severide.

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