Chapter 7

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The first week of school went by faster than expected. Classes kept Tia busy and although, she hadn't learned much yet, she already noticed that it would be difficult to do her homework in every class.

On Friday, she sat at the breakfast table with Katie while Leanne was still in the dormitory changing clothes.

Suddenly, many owls came into the Great Hall, and in fact a big owl flew directly towards Katie and Tia.

"Oh, this is our family owl!" Katie rejoiced and took the letter.

Tia briefly gave her time to read it, before asking: "What are they writing?"

"Dad writes that he misses me – now there's no one at home to play Quidditch with and Mom finds it's become quiet after I stop trampling down the stairs permanently – as if I'm trampling!" snorted Katie.

"You really trample – like a herd of elephants!" agreed Tia with Katie's parents.

"Wow, thank you, Tia." Katie said dryly. "I appreciate your praise."

Tia hadn't even noticed that another owl landed with them, who looked at the two curiously and a little impatiently.

"Oh, my abuelita wrote!" Tia rejoiced and noticed a rather large package tied to the owl's legs.

"The poor owl." laughed Katie. "That looks really heavy."

The owl gave Katie an evil look, as if she had understood exactly what she had said.

"Don't say something like that." Tia reprimanded her friend and stroked the owl's back a few times and gave her some nuts from breakfast to eat, which the owl gratefully accepted before she also helped herself to Katie's ham bread. Katie wanted to complain, but Tia held her back and untied the package.

Once, free, the owl disappeared with a ham in her beak, as if afraid that she might be returned with another package.

"Open it up!" Katie urged her, and Tia quickly untied the tape tied around the package and tore open the paper.

"Spices?" asked Katie in amazement when the first gift came out, but Tia was happy about it. She had written to her grandmother that the food was rather bland spiced and immediately her grandmother had, of course, sent a package with her spices. Finally, the food would taste like something.

"Chocolate!" enthused Katie as she continued to rummage through the package. "From now on, I love your grandma!"

"Watch out – she could be with chili!" Tia warned her friend, who looked at her stunned.

"Why should you eat spicy chocolate?" Katie asked her, but Tia just shrugged her shoulders.

Of course, her abuelita also knew how much her granddaughter idolized chocolate and had quickly added a few bars of chocolate. In fact, one of them was a dark chocolate with chili flakes in it, but the others were normal chocolate bars, so Tia gave a piece of them to Katie.

"What does your ablita write?" asked Katie, and Tia smiled to herself.

"Katie, it's called abuelita, not ablita." she corrected her friend. "And she writes that although she has no idea about most of the things I write about, she is happy that I am in Gryffindor and have already made friends."

"And some point I need to meet your abuelita." Katie decided. "She sounds really nice – besides, she sends you chocolate!"

"She knows me best." sighed Tia, who missed her abuelita quite a bit, but at Hogwarts she was also happy.

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