5. Ozzie

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Ronin, Y/N had Nod had been picking out some armour while MK went off somewhere, probably to see her dad.

"How do I look?" Ronin asked, wearing some old bones on his face as he spoke in a deep voice and position.

"Scary as ever" Nod mused, carrying some more skeletons under his arm.

"You'll fit right in" Y/N assured, also carrying some boggan armour in her hands.

Then they looked over upon hearing MK scream, then seeing a bunch of things being knocked over from where they stood.

"MK!" Y/N gasped worriedly, quickly running over and jumping off the desk, Nod and Ronin following.

MK ran towards them as Nod drew his sword from his back. "Are you okay?!"

They all froze and dropped their armour gear as they saw a dog with three legs running up to them.

"Run!" Nod yelled, grabbing MKs hand as Y/N ran behind, placing her hands on MKs back to push her faster.

Ronin followed them closely behind as they ran, now running around the large desk as the dog followed.

Y/N looked ahead as they ran, her eyes trailing
Up to the stomper who now carried a large machine while he wore his magnifying goggles he always wore.

"Uh guys?" Y/N yelled unsurely. "The stomper's holding something suspicious."

Ronin and nod looked up, their faces dropping even more.
"Quickly" Ronin muttered, now holding a hand on Y/Ns back as they ran the opposite way, away from the stomper.

Nod had stopped running, holding his sword up towards the dog as Ronin had pulled Y/N behind him, aiming his arrow at the dog now.

MK had just made her way towards the and freaked upon seeing Ronins arrow. "No!"
She pushed him as he released the arrow, causing it to fly into the stompers butt.

The stomper flew back. "Ow!" Falling back into his desk and causing a coffee mug to fall from it.
"I. Hurt. My. Elbow!"

"Hear that?!" Nod yelled back to Ronin and Y/N. "He said it!" He laughed, Y/N did also let out a chuckle.

Until Nod screamed, seeing the coffee mug fall down towards him with coffee pouring out from it.

The coffee landed on the dog and the dog started to shake it off, using this shirt moment of the dogs distraction, Ronin noticed the cord loop hanging beside the window above.

With a determined nod, he jumped up to the dog, swung back on its ear and Landed up into the desk, jumping into the cord loop and started to climb.

Nod, MK and Y/N quickly followed after, Ronin had jumped back down and dropped down the rope for them to grab on.

Not got hold of it first, handing it over to the rope and making sure she held it tightly before grabbing it himself and reaching his hand out for MK to grab.

As they pulled, the window shatters closed and the rope went up, allowing them to get to the opened window.

However MK stared to scream as there was a sudden suction force. looking down, the stomper had found them escaping and help his little vacuum machine up to them, hoping to catch them.
"No! Don't let go!" Nod freaked, feeling MKs grip started to slip from his hand.
"Don't let go!"

She didn't have a choice as the suction was to strong and she got sucked in.
"MK!" Y/N screeched.

She didn't hesitate to jump off the rope, diving right into the tube MK had got sucked in.

Y/N swirled around the the glass jug before gripping the rims and stopping herself.
MK helped her up and the stabilised each other in the jug as the air inside kept circling around.

They started to punch the glass repeatedly, unsure of what else to do.

"Hello. There. My. Little. Friend!" The stomper said cheerfully, bringing it up to his face.

The girls continued to bang on the glass with their palms. "Dad! Dad!" MK yelled.

The stomper took his head head piece, throwing the glass in his hand in shock once he saw MK.
The fell on their backs at the impact.

MK continued to scream for her dad until his eyelids started to closer, and his voice become slower than usual.

The screamed as the stomper dropped the glass as he began to faint.
MK and Y/N held each other tightly as they began fell.

Until the glass jar they were trapped in hit the desk and it broke into many pieces, freeing the girls.

Y/N was panting heavily as she held herself up with her elbows, looking at the passed out man.
MK had already stood up and walked over to his head.

Nod had Jumped down towards them and carried Y/N up, placing his hand on her elbow and waist as he helped pull her up.

"Let's go." Ronin said firmly from above.

"You can't stay" Nod whispered yelled to her, slowly beginning to turn back around, still holding Y/N. "You're with us now."

Nod had finally stopped holding Y/N and he backed up, ready to get a head start again to jump across.

Hover he halted with MK gasped, she had just run up to them behind.

"What is it?" Y/N turned to her worriedly, so did Nod.

Her hands were over her mouth. "Y/N you're bleeding!" She pointed to Y/Ns ankle.

Y/Ns face scrubbed and she held her ankle in her hand beifre hissing, she had touched herself right in the wound.

She looked at her hands now, covered in some of her blood.
"...ow!" She said with more of an inconvenience.

Nod turned Y/N around and grabbed her hands, he was calm as he used the hem on his shirt to wipe off her hands.
"You should be fine, it's doesn't look too deep." He said after her bent down to examine it.

"Yeah" Y/N agreed with a frustrated sigh. "But now I'm gonna trail blood everywhere."

"C'mon" he pressed his lips Together, standing upright before carrying Y/N bridal style. "I've got some honey on the side of my satchel."

Then he ran off, Y/N in his arms and he hopped across to the other side and out the window to his bird.


Y/N sat behind Nod, her hands already wrapped around him as they waited for MK.

Nod had already fixed up her leg, applying the honey to her wound before unwrapping his handwrap and wrapping it around her leg, Kind of like a Band-Aid.

"C'mon in MK we gotta go." He called back for her inside as they sat waiting.

MK jumped firm the desk, landing in the stapler before using that to jump back onto the shelf by the window.

"Hey you're getting good at that." Y/N grinned as MK made her way over to them. MK smiled in return.

Ronin was carrying the boggan armour on his bird so both Y/N and MK would ride with Nod.

Nod offered his hand to MK and helped her up in font of him.
"You think he's okay?"

"Yeah he'll be fine their heads are like rocks" Nod spoke assuringly with the wave of his hand before cringing at what he said. "A-uh, smart rocks."

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