8. Happy ending

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"I'm winning!"

"Not for long!" Y/N sang back, Nod jumped from tree to tree and Y/N and grown down some vines, swimming from this dramatically.

"Hey no powers!" Nod playfully scolded now that    Y/N was in the lead. "You have an unfair advantage!"

"What? Couldn't hear you!" She flicked back a branch Nod was on, making him yell and he was thrown back further away. "You're too far away!" She laughed, running down the tree branch.

Until about thirty seconds later, when Nod came buzzing past her on a hummingbird.

"Hey no birds!" Y/N yelled after him.

"Sorry can't hear you!" He teased. "You're to far behind!"

Y/N grumbled under her breath, conjuring another vine and swinging down.

Halfway she jumped off, launching herself in the air before Landing behind Nod on his bird.
"Boo" she laughed, wrapping her arms around him. Her rolled his eyes playfully.

"You play dirty."

"So do you" Y/N grinned, Nod began to fly faster.


They made it to the particular tree, landing on the branch where the IPod stood.

MK had taught them how to use it and they quickly pressed the buttons they needed to call her.

MKs face appeared in the screen not or kind after.

"Y/N, too close to the camera again!" MK mused, resting her head in her hand and she smiled at them.

"I told you" Nod spoke, grabbing her waist and pulling her back a little, Now MK could clearly see the both of them.

"Hey MK" Nod waved.

"How's work?" MK asked with a grin.

"Ah!" Nod waved her off, swinging his sowed around. "It's not work when you love your job!"he balanced the sword on his finger tips. "Many leaves, one tree. That's what I always say."

"Uh huh" MK smirked knowingly, Now turning to   Y/N. "And how's your new life as queen."

"So much better!" Y/N laughed, "look at all these new this I can do."
She turned to the tree they stood on and made a little branch reach all the way down, hitting Nod across the neck.

"Ow!" Nod yelled, dropping his sword in the process and he shrieked. MK chuckled.
"Anyway-" Y/N turned back away to MK, as Nod smiled at him sword come back towards him, sitting in a leaf that Y/N had make go to him. "How are you?"

"Fine" MK shrugged with a small smile. She was about to say Something else until Mub cut her off.

"What do you think you're doing?" He scolded them both, hanging upside down from the branch above them. Y/N rolled her eyes playfully.

"Hello Mub."
She crossed her hand and walked back to the end in the branch, leaning up faint the tree.

"Leafboy" Mub narrowed his eyes at Nod.

"Leafman! You know it's leafman!" Nod scolded him.

"Is it?" Mub asked, still eyeing him. "I wasn't sure. Hey MK!" He walked up to the screen. "What's going on baby girl?"

MK rolled her eyes playfully. "Hi Mub."

"Hey, we were talking." Nod turned to Mub, pulling away his eye.
"There's a big sac of, shut your flat face over there by that tree, so why don't you go pick it up?"

Y/N kicked her feet as she watched the Scene with amusement.

"Listen slick-"

"Guys don't fight!" MK spoke.

"Oh it won't be a fight! I can whip him with both eyes behind my back!" Mub said, Turing around but positioning his eyes over his head to look back at Nod.
"Now why don't you join your girlfriend over there, so me and my lady can talk." Mub turned back around to face MK as Nod rolled his eyes.

"I'd like to see you try jellybut." Nod challenged, pushing down Mub.

"I didn't want to have to do this!" Mub sang before opening his large mouth and engulfing Nod.

Y/N mouth widened in shock as she covered it with her hand. Laughing behind it as he leaned off from the tree.

"Y/N! Help me!" Nod choked against Mums mouth.

"Ew...! Mub get him out of your mouth!" MK ordered, seeing the scene up close.
"Y/N you're queen! Do Something!"

Y/N chuckled and shook her head. "Nah, Nods been getting on my nerves lately."
Nod yelled at her but it only came out as muffles. MK sighed.

"Dad, I gotta go uh, help my friend out of a slug" she turned to her dad, looking back at the screen on her computer.

"Oh yeah" Her dad peaked at the screen. "That's looks pretty weird."

Y/N slumped into the the branch, letting her head fall in her palm.
"Aw!" She groaned, looking to the side as Nod continued to shriek and fight against Mub.


TWO DAYS!! I WROTE THIS IN TWO DAYS!! That's a record for me! I'm so proud like how tf did I do it?

Like yeah okay it's eight chapters but still. WHAT?

Even though for you guys it took a little longer 😜

I didn't really know how to end this so if anyone reading has something they'd like to see, lmk and I'll probably add it to the end to give it a bit more closure cause I hate how I ended it.

This one was really fun to write.

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