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I'm sitting alone in my room, texting Kayla about Leo and I while I watch the office and eat chips. I'm still home alone. That's the thing. I'm often alone. Mum at work, dad still gone out gambling or drunk. No siblings. And the only pet I have is a goldfish named Pudding who sits on my desk.

Pudding is one of my favourite people (I know, I know) to talk to. Pudding listens. Pudding understands. And Pudding doesn't cheat on me with my best friend. Kent used to have a goldfish too. His goldfish was named Luke. Luke died shortly before Kent cheated on me.

Kent actually tried using that as an excuse. "I only cheated on you because I was trying to get over the pain of losing Luke. I used to love him so much." To which I had come up with a pretty good reply. "Yeah? Well, I used to love you too. Goodbye Kent."

That had been over text a short while ago. He had taken someone elses phone and texted me, somehow knowing my number by heart. It wasn't a hard phone number to remember. It was just surprising he knew it.

There's a quiet ding from the phone I just put down. I pick it up, ready to continue describing the kitchen scene to Kayla when I realize it isn't Kayla. It's Leo.

Leo: Hello darling!

Char: Oh hey! What's up?

Leo: I just miss you...

Char: Awe Leo, you're so cute! I miss you too.

Leo: I'm nowhere near as cute as you ;)

Char: Mhmm... Well you definitely win the hottest in the relationship award.

Leo: Excuse me?! Have you looked in a mirror? EVER?!

I laugh quietly and realize I'm grinning ear to ear. I really do believe I'm in love at this point. How could I not be? How could I feel this way and it not be real love? I look down at my phone again. There's a new text from Leo.

Leo: Go to your window. The one across from mine.

Char: Omw over rn.

I get up and walk over to the window. There's Leo, smiling back at me. He's got his eyebrows raised and I can almost hear his chuckle. The one that I find so perfect. I wonder what he's looking at before realizing what I'm wearing. It's not a lot. It's a white, thin strapped t-shirt and black & white plaid pajama shorts.

I roll my eyes and smile again. He's wearing no shirt and some black shorts. He looks pretty damn similar to when we were making out on my bed. When we were making out on my bed. That still seems so unreal.

Hello beautiful people! It's another day in my writing-verse! Isn't it so unreal how far this book has come? I'm so proud of it! This book is coming to a close slowly and I'm so happy! Love you all and thank you for making this possible.

Word count: 501!!

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