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I begin walking in the opposite direction from where I came. Forests end somewhere. I'm not actually sure that's true. I've never been in one before. But it must be true. It has to be. I try to maintain a positive demeanor and stroll casually along as if it's Sunday's morning walk. I wish it was.

I walk for a good hour and a half before I get my first cramp. I feel a bit nauseous before remembering I haven't eaten in ages. I don't trust myself to find berries that won't kill me in these woods so instead I starve. I hope I vomit because the nausea is killing me but there's nothing to barf up.

I walk and walk until it's dark. Still, there's no end to this forest. I climb into another tree and calm down for the night. I awake the next morning and immediately head out, hoping to escape this forest before dark. It doesn't happen. I walk for ages but again, have to spend the night in a tree. As I spend my third night in the forest, I feel a sense of dread. I won't make it out. There's no way. I'd have made it out by now. No matter how big the forest.

I continue the next morning but feel so achy. My stomach growling and gurbling. I walk and walk until I can barely move my legs. I make it to a clearing. This is fine. I'll just- I pass out.

Honestly no one reads these so it doesn't matter but have a good day/night.

Word count: 268!!

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