Volume 1 Chapter 1: Not A Fan Of Violence...

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The sound of thunder echoed throughout my mind as I looked at the broken glass screen in the kitchen. I just got home from the hospital. My mom died from a heart attack. She was old and it ran in the family. The storm outside was roaring but my body was frozen in place. Was it the storm that broke this screen or a person? I'm scared. My pulse was rapidly increasing as the thought of a home intruder entered my mind. It can't be, right? I have to call someone but I broke my phone last week. And the landline was discontinued due to me not being able to pay the bills. I heard heavy footsteps upstairs in my bedroom. There was more than just one pair of feet. That's when I heard a deep toned voice say behind me,"It seems like we have a witness to our crimes?" My head turned around on instinct only to see a rugged man with a blood soaked knife in his hands. "Oh really!?" Another figure came walking out of the darkness. I spotted him from the corner of my eye. I rushed over to the kitchen to my right and grabbed a knife. A swung it around shaking violently in fear. "Get away from me!" Before I could process everything that happened. They asphyxiated after they did many unsavory things to my body. I really hate violence and feeling pain. I just want a prosperous life where I can be safe and make tons of money.

"Wish granted!"

Huh? What said that? Aren't I going to heaven or hell?

"Past life skills and abilities transferred."

What's happening to me!? There's so much pain shooting throughout my body. My body? I thought I died?

"Enjoy, new player!"

I awoke hearing an older man shouting out my name. My name? My name is Amy not Olivia? The ground felt strange like sand? I can feel the heat of the sun from above. My body felt lightweight and smaller than normal. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times at the sight of a figure blocking out the sun. A rush of coldness washed over me as I shivered violently. "Honey please stay with me!" I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out but salt water. I rolled to my side coughing out tons of sand, salt water and seaweed. Tears build up in the corner of my eyes at the thought of my final moments. I began to ugly cry as I laid there trying so hard not to move. I closed my eyes as the intense pain slowly stopped.

I sat up gasping for breath. I glanced around the room only to realize that I was now in a hospital. I had tubes down my throat, coming from my wrists and nose. I began to hyperventilate as it grabbed the tube in my throat. I frantically tried to pull it out. It was seemingly never ending like a magic scarf trick. A nurse walked in just as I finished pulling it out. Saliva was dripping from my chin as tears began flowing once more. I hate hospitals. It freaks me out. The white rooms are unnerving. The doctors hold your lives in their hands. I want to go anywhere but here! I have to get out of here. I looked around the room like a rat trapped in a maze. That's when a man in a suit showed up with a briefcase and his coat over his arm. He dropped them both to the ground and lunged towards me. To my surprise he hugged me. "Honey, I'm so happy you are awake! I thought you would never wake, I'm so happy!" I was in a Coma? This must be my new dad? By his clothes he's a Businessman. We are speaking English but the text on the walls are in Japanese? He must have moved to Japan for his work? He rested his hand on my head as he stared into my eyes. He had strawberry blonde hair with ocean blue eyes. He also had strawberry red and white Bengal tiger ears, tail, shaped pupils, and black nails. When he smiled I saw his sharp shark teeth. His hands were webbed and on the side of his neck I saw closed gils. I reached up and grazed my fingers over the sides of my neck. I had gils too? My teeth were sharp like a shark. And my hands were webbed? "Honey?" Is this a world of animal people? I stared into the eyes of my father and opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out again. His eyes widened as he rushed out of the room. I can't even form a single word. What's the deal? My throat hurts.

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