Volume 1 Chapter 7: Bloody Encounter?

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Previously: He made an agreeable sound. "I had a feeling that was the case." She closed her eyes as their heart beats synced up. "When you adopt me in the netherworld, can you give me a new name?" He rested his chin on her head. "If that's what you wish, I'll happily grant you a new name." He stroked her jagged but soft hair as she slowly drifted to sleep. "Sweet dreams, my darling minx."

Olivia fell into the void of her mind as she watched a film of her past life play on repeat. She heard voices echo throughout her mind repeating negative comments. But throughout her entire career of rising to the top she pushed herself to the limits. She programmed code until her eyes felt like they were bleeding. Until her hands cramped. And until she passed out from the lack of sleep. Everyone said she would never amount to anything. Her dreams were ridiculous. And she was just a waste of space. But she kept at it. "What happened to my fighting spirit? I have a second chance to amount to something great. I have the ability to claim the crown. So why can't I just get my shit together? I'm not the main character or anything like that. I know I'm not built to withstand the pressure. But I still want to try. Is that so bad? I'm a coward. I know. But is it so wrong to want to be something worthy of praise and respect?" That's when she saw flashes of her new father's kind and encouraging smile. And Aizawa's surprisingly kind words. Images of the two show's timelines playing in tangent. "I have information about both worlds at my disposal. I don't have to take the spotlight. I just have to manipulate the pieces and change the positions on the board. I'm just a background character in this alternative universe." She reached out her hand towards a chess piece shaped like the queen. As a devious smirk crept up on her face as she fell deeper into her subconscious. "I'll just have to steal the hearts of the misfit class first. Sorry Iruma but this new reality is under my control." She grabbed the chess piece as she sprouted wings. She flew towards the light at the top with a small spark of confidence formed in her.

I wake up only to smell a stench of blood and sewage. Yuck. My body felt lightweight and relaxed. I opened my eyes only to see Aizawa staring down at me. He was back in his human form. I'm a little disappointed. I was just starting to get used to his Demon form. "Welcome back, little missy." His deep Japanese voice as he spoke to me did something to my heart and soul. I died as a woman in her 30's. So the fact that I'm stuck in the body of a child is heartbreaking. I'm simping hard right now. His gentle approach is sexy but his rough calloused hands against my throat is also hot. Why am I thinking like this now? What's up with me? I need to get it together. He stopped walking down the dark alley and looked ahead. My eyes followed his lead only for them to fall upon a man standing over a pile of dead bodies. My lovely date with my favorite demon was suddenly interrupted by the feeling of stomach acid coming up my throat. I instantly reached up and covered up my mouth and nose. It was slowly rising and burning my throat in the process. Salty tears formed in the corner of my eyes as the strong stench of rotting corpses reached my nostrils. Aizawa set me down on the concrete ground. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I fell to my hands and knees as a cold sweat washed over my body. My stomach was turning like a tidal wave. My body trembled as I felt it coming. Who am I kidding? How can I compete with monsters like this? This guy is going to be my security demon!? I'm so fucked. If I say even one thing wrong. I'm a goner. This universe is a darker version of the two. There's no fucking way I'll survive. I'm joking myself. I'm going to die just as fast as in my past life.

Olivia threw up on the spot and continued to do so until she was dry heaving. Tears fell from her eyes like a leaky pipe. She looked up from the ground looking like she lost her will to live at the very sight of the carnage. It all got worse the more she stared his way. Crimson was dripping off his two jagged blades and chin? That's when she realized that his teeth were soaked in blood. The bodies had missing flesh and bone all over the place. The only thing that ran through her mind was,"I'm going to fucking die."

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