Volume 1 Chapter 8: Aizawa's Property?

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Previously: She was lifted up into the ground. He was 7+ feet tall. She struggled and tried to kick him to release her. He wasn't even flinching at her desperate attacks. Her life began to rapidly flash before her eyes. Just as she was just about to die from asphyxiation. She remembered something. "All Might?" His eyes widened at the name of his obsession. He opened his hand and she was released just like that. She wheezed and tried to recover from almost dying. "What about him?" "I know everything about him. I'll make it up to you. By delivering him to you personally. Will you become my security demon if I do that for you?" He looked over at a very agitated Dante. He was holding himself back from killing him. If he ended her life he was going to be instantly killed by his former king. He gulped hesitantly as he realized too late that he crossed a line.

Olivia coughed continuously as she tried to catch her breath. "Zawa, why do I keep losing control? I'm scared. Please help me." "Zawa? Oh no, she's talking to him casually. His body is relaxed and he's smiling? I messed up bad." Kalvaxus took a step back feeling the atmosphere around him shift. "She's completely reliant on me. I'm her everything. Kal almost killed my obsession. No one is allowed to hurt her except me. I want to bash his brains in but he's still useful. She asked for my help? That's a first." He rested his hand on her head and his dark aura devoured her negative energy and made him feel wide awake. "Shhhh, it's going to be alright. You just recently turned into a demon. I'll guide you into adulthood. Just lean on me, little one." She clung to his suit as his words manipulated her heart. "Yes, rely on only me. Give me your soul and everything. I'm the only one you need to have to keep going." Behind his kind smile was an evil and wicked snear. He hummed her to sleep as his voice acted as a mystical lullaby. She fell into a deep slumber smiling happily. He created a protective anti magic barrier over her body as he sauntered over towards Kalvaxus. His eyes glowed bright as the sun as his red-violet crystal eyes changed to something more infernal. His eyes were gold and fiery. His hair floated up into the air as the remnants of the battle began to rise into the air. "Dante, look I didn't know she was your target of obsession…?" His tune changed drastically to a full coward as he stammered and stumbled backwards. His body stiffened up at the feeling of his scythe tail wrapped around his torso. The blade halted right up  against his neck. He didn't have any choice but to stare straight ahead. "You touched her fragile skin with your FILTHY ghoulish hands. You aren't my EQUAL. I'm your SUPERIOR. Have you forgotten your ROLE as my right hand? You are a TOOL to be used efficiently." Kalvaxus wasn't anywhere close to Dante's level of strength. He was considered a pebble compared to him being a mountain. He wasn't screaming but he didn't have to do that to send pins and needles down a spine. "You are lucky that I still have use of you. Or I would do more than just slaughter you here where you stand. YOU WILL protect her from harm. If you refuse, I'll take it as a sign that you aren't useful anymore. I have no use for chipped blades or broken tools." Dante reached out and grabbed his face. "And if you manage to fail to protect her, my heir? You'll spend a century or two in a dimension of nothing but void. No sound, no light, and no blood to drink. You'll slowly go crazy and become an empty shell of the demon you once were. I'm even tempted to send you there for just one year. Yeah, that sounds like fun. Maybe you'll be more subservient and willing to provide her support." He pushed his stone cold and terrified body into the inky black portal behind him. He reached out but no sound came out of his mute throat. Dante temporarily erased his ability to speak or make sound. All he had was his inner thoughts to listen to for the next year. The look on his face sent Dante over the moon with euphoria.
Small Time Skip!

Olivia has been training really hard to learn how to defend herself with the help of Eraserhead. He told her that Stain was tasked to do something special. So he wasn't able to teach her the are of swordplay but he would do it instead. She gladly accepted his lies even though she saw through them with a secret ability called Lie Detector. She gained muscle mass and grew a little taller as middle school fastly approached.

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