Volume 1 Chapter 6: Evolution?

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Previously: My old life was filled with so much work and grind. I worked until I passed out. The games I created were no longer filling my soul with satisfaction. The grind took over my life. I had no friends. No free time. Not even time to say goodbye to my mother. I was a slave to the grind. I don't want to be at the bottom anymore!

Olivia gulped down the rest of her drink and then wiped her mouth politely. She turned to face the Grim Reaper that was in charge of her life. She swallowed the fear and grabbed her shirt where her heart was located. "Aizawa. I want to become your real student and train to become a strong Demon!" He was taken aback by her sudden show of courage. He felt strange deep down as his dark soul pulsated. "My body feels hot? I usually eat her despair with delight. But this unfamiliar expression of determination is doing things to me. I want to protect her from harm but at the same time I want make her cry. What's happening to me?" He stared at her as she gleamed with excitement. "Very well, then let's get started as soon as possible. If you are going to be our adopted child, you'll have to be able to pass our combined standards." "Our?" "Oh that's right you don't know. Percy here is one of my many husbands. I was once the demon king of the netherworld. So it's only logical for me to have several partners." She glanced over at the demon named Percy. "Don't tell me that's Hizashi Yamada?" The bird demon jolted awake and just before her head was taken off. Eraserhead pulled her into a safe embrace. His dark aura blocked his hardened feather attack. "Percy, what's the big deal?" "How does she know my human name? I hate that name with a passion!" She went to look his way but Eraserhead didn't allow her to. "I can't spill her secrets to you just yet. We need to gather my old war council first." "Zan, you are lucky that I love you." "I sure am." "Hmph." "Aizawa?" "Yeah, little one?" "Am I in trouble?" He shook his head. "No, you are just fine. Percy here is just a little sensitive when it comes to the human world. He hates his cover." "It's such a pain! I have to do so many things as the fan voice hero! Ughhh!" Eraserhead released her from his tight grip. Her eyes wandered upwards from the table. "You hate being a English Teacher? Singing for the masses? And being the voice hero Present Mic?" As soon as her eyes reached his face he was slowly losing his nerve again. His eyes were twitching with rage. And veins were popping out of his forehead. "I swear if you mention one more human thing. I'll snap that pretty little neck of yours." She couldn't help but yelp at the change of atmosphere. He wasn't drawing her in anymore, she wanted to run far away. It was causing her heart to pound out of her chest. She couldn't breathe or take her eyes off of him. She opened her mouth to ask for help or said sorry. But nothing came out. Strings of darkness descended down upon her from the void of her mind. She was frozen in place as his Evil Cycle showed itself. She was staring at another demon returned to origin. But for some reason she felt like she wasn't alone. She reached out into the darkness and remembered something from her distant memories. "That's right, all rpg games have the ability to change your race. I haven't chosen what I wanted to be yet." Her soul decided on what she wanted to be and the private room in the restaurant was ravaged by her sapphire inferno.

I'm not weak. I never was. I was just too scared to get hurt. I was a coward. I'm still scared of everything. But I refuse to be a slave to anyone that includes those who I once looked up to!

"You will not take control of me, damn Harpy!" The chairs and tables spiraled around her in the still growing vortex of wind. "The only one who has permission to hurt and control me is Aizawa!"

They both stood there watching as her body began to produce pink and gold sparks. Her body gradually changed in appearance as she opened her eyes and glared at Percy. "You aren't my Grim Reaper! How dare you use your magic on me! I'm going to be the next demon king! No one's going to stop me, not even you!" Eraserhead's heart was grabbed by her hand and made to bleed with her claws. "She wasn't weak in the slightest. She was just lacking confidence and being held captive by fear of pain? And now she's no longer Human?" Her body landed gracefully on the wooden floor.

Demon Form: Light pink skin with gold veins that glow bright with magic. Short jagged and sharp edged platinum colored hair with gold frosted tips. Magenta eyes with gold sclera. Platinum & gold Bengal tiger ears, tail, shaped pupils, and black nails that grow into claws. Sharp black shark teeth, webbed hands & feet, gils on the side of her neck and torso. Gold outlined with black roots. They have platinum bone wings that usually get covered in whatever element they decide to use.

Olivia grinned widely, showing off her black shark teeth. "I dare you to try and control me, Harpy. I'll turn you into fried chicken." Pink and gold electricity came from her palms. He got in a fighting stance. "You damn hum…" "I'm no longer from that weak and pathetic species. Look at my soul, it's dark just like yours. Well actually it's magenta with gold specks. But that doesn't have any to do with beating some manners in you, does it?" He whistled at a certain frequency. She threw a thunderbolt at him at lightning speeds. They both were hit by each other's attacks. Her right arm combusted from the inside out. She coughed out blood as she took a knee. Blood was gushing out of her shoulder but instead of acting scared she just smiled. "What are you smiling about, brat… AHHH!" A group of lightning bolts pierced through the several floors and struck him violently. "I unlocked those two skill just for you, feel honored." She replaced her missing limb with a pure iron sand arm. "The taste of my blood is sweet yet savory. I understand now why you demons eat humans." She laughed maniacally at his despair and irritation. "Yes! Get angry and hurt me more!" Azure Hellflames set her clothes on fire as she fully lost her mind. "I want you to beg for mercy. I want to be feared. I want to be…" Olivia suddenly came back to her senses. She dropped down to her knees screaming out in agony as she felt everything all at once. Her body didn't change back but her mind did. "Pain, so much pain. It hurts. It Hurts. IT HURTS! My arm, where's my arm!? Forgive me, please don't kill me. I don't want to die. I'm begging you. I'm sorry!" She clung to her shoulder weeping and trying to shrink in size.

Percy walked towards her with his feathers hardened with dark bloodlust seeping out of his body. "Your sorry? Save your apology. I don't care for it. Prepare for hell, damn brat!" She cowered in fear saying,"I don't know what happened to me, I swear!" "You experienced your first evil cycle, that's what happened. You've been a pushover all your life I bet? Well congrats on standing up for yourself for once." She looked up to see Aizawa was smiling at her in a positive way? "I'm so proud of you my little kitty. Or should I say tiger? No matter, it still works. It seems like you are the embodiment of all 7 sins of humanity. The exact opposite of your default personality. You have passed my individual test early, congratulations." He crouched down and shielded her from harm with his feathered wings. "Here let me award you for acting like a rebel." He reached out and lightly touched her bleeding shoulder. All her pain disappeared as her limb regenerated. "You want me to misbehave?" "Not against me but with everyone else? Most definitely. It's in our demonic nature to misbehave and be tricksters. But there's always a time and place for these kinds of actions. In time I'll educate you about the ways of the netherworld. But we need to go find my old right hand, Stain." She went into shock over what he just said. "He's a demon too?" "Indeed. He'll be your netherworld security demon. He was once mine but I no longer need one. My main two husbands are my back up." "Main two?" "You'll meet the other one very soon, don't worry your little head." He patted her head gently with a shine of pride in his eyes. "Aizawa, what do I call you in the netherworld?" He hummed softly. "That's a good question. My demon name is Dante Zander so I guess I'll leave that up to you." She thought about it and then smiled happily as she said,"Zawa!" His eyes widened as she leaped towards him. His body moved on it's own as he caught her gently. "Zawa?" "Zander and Aizawa put together." A blade of cuteness sliced his heart to pieces. He held her close to his chest as he said,"You are officially no longer considered my tool but my rightful heir. So from now on I'll try my best to be more gentle. But I am a demon returned to origin. So I'll probably still be rough and calloused from time to time. Plus I can't help but to encourage my dark side." She clung to his fancy suit. "I understand. You'll try to be gentle and I'll try to become more confident in myself." "Sounds like a plan, little one." "Zawa, I have a question. Does time in the netherworld act differently than on earth?" He made an agreeable sound. "I had a feeling that was the case." She closed her eyes as their heart beats synced up. "When you adopt me in the netherworld, can you give me a new name?" He rested his chin on her head. "If that's what you wish, I'll happily grant you a new name."

To be continued…

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