chapter 1 the grill and deadlier part 2

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After Captain rex and Hudson (Medic) make a plan for building a grill both work together and research and build the girl inside their basement.

As the camera moved and zoomed at Nick Washington (Scout), Charlie and the Elephant team played Smash Bros while West was drunk lying on the couch.

Nick: CRAP!

Charlie: I'm going to win!

Next, the camera moved on and focus on Paul Parker (Heavy) carrying a large log in the base while Blaze tried to avoid that giant log.

Then the camera focus on the cafeteria was on fire by Pyro while Saunder, Pravda, Oorai, and Juan Carlos along with Ash and his water type Pokémon help to take out the fire with an extinguisher except Andy Oliver standing there drinking coffee. In the kitchen, Danny Renova stared at the microwave waiting for his food, and Aidan and Simon Wilson stood there having a chill break. Meanwhile, at Basement, Mike Hudson (Medic) and Captain rex were working on building a grill, but the scene stops as the author such as JuanDeleon250, So483ksmg4, and myself wanted to skip the scene


JuanDeleon250: Come on can we-

Me: No, I'm not done-

So483ksmg4: Cap, can we just skip the part and continue?

Me: Okay fine!


(0:06--1:07 ) (1:07 -- 1:37) (1:37--1:59)

The scene is back on as Captain Rex uses the drill gun to drill a hole in the metal sheet while the camera zooms one by one at his face with a crazy smile while drilling a hole at the metal sheet.

Captain Rex: *thought engineer laughing*

On the other side, Mike Hudson was on a computer researching every barbeque grill on the internet for their design.

Hudson: *evil medic laugh*

Next Captain Rex uses the wrench to tighten the screwdriver onto the metal sheet. Mike was on the paper pad to search for any signal to develop the grill. Then he was on the scope to see the DNA to create a greater and greater grill. Then Captain began to melt the metal wire for sticking the metal sheet together and microwave the gear and screwdriver causing the microwave began to cripple. Then he saw the wood faster as he can.

While Mike Hudson was in his hazard suit placing the nuclear hazard on the shoe. Then Captain screams as he touches the burning gear and equipment. Eventually, during break time, Mike Hudson (medic) was reading porn magazine Aswell Capt want to see.

Break time is done the next day, and Captain Rex activates the laser to cut the metal. Then put the stamp drill in the metal and then onto his hand. Mike place a green liquid on the cup. 

Cap keeps banging the hammer on the metal sheet while his hand places it in the middle of it.


(1:07- 1:37)

Mike pulls the switch to make the electricity more powerful and then he plugs it together and turns the lever around 100% to make it more powerful. 

Mike: *medic laugh*

He pull the lever to lift the carriage outside the base something like a Frankenstein as he and Cap watched the carriage lift outside the base.

(1:37 - 1:59)

Outside the base

the carriage lifts something as the lighting strike the carriage to create more power.

Hudson (medic): *evil laugh*

Captain Rex (engineer): *evil laugh*

After the lighting, the carriage was brought back down at the basement and both watched the carriage land on the ground. Rex then put the mask and painted it blue on the screen as a grill.

After that, he looked at the blueprint of the grill that they created but unfortunately... they made a toaster causing it into flames.

Captain Rex: Darn...

Cap threw the toaster into the dumpster.

The story was rewound faster as the scene they're making the grill again, after the final touch, he looked at the blueprint and shows a real grill was finished.

The story was rewound faster as the scene they're making the grill again, after the final touch, he looked at the blueprint and shows a real grill was finished

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Cap and Hudson (medic) successfully finished the grill that they built what if goes wrong?

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