Chapter Four: A Generous Offer

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The tired blond typed rapidly on the keyboard at his desk in the corner of the small kitchen, trying to recall everything he'd written down from his time jump, though many things were failing him. 

At least his PC was still alive and contained his half-written thesis, even if a large chunk of data was missing.

Sighing, he pulled his round rimmed glasses off his face and rubbed at his eyes. There was so much he needed to add, he couldn't bear the thought of all that had been lost. Testimonials, pictures, recordings, notes... more than he could ever make up for. 

Putting the lenses back on, his hands found his ponytail and undercut, fiddling with the blond ends in his fingers. He glanced down at tight black jeans and the well-fitted long sleeve, pine green sweater.

His phone buzzed and he pulled it out, then sighed. The Snuggly Duckling's work schedule had released, and tomorrow he was working a double. 

It was fine. He needed to catch up on rent as well as all these medical bills he was planning on paying for the prince. He'd already made several appointments for checkups and such. Things would be extra tight for a while—


Blinking out of the stressful haze, he looked over to see Varian still in his pajamas—his shirt on this time—standing next to him. "Prince Varian, how are you feeling?"

"Oh, that is you, Hugo. I did not know you wore spectacles. What is this you have done to your hair?" Gentle fingers reached out and caressed the undercut. Hugo felt his heartbeat quicken at the touch. "Oh, I rather like this hoop in your upper ear. Such a unique piercing."

Feeling overwhelmed with the attention, Hugo took the hand away from his face. "Uh, thanks. I had to disguise myself while in your century, so I didn't cause chaos, though we both know how that turned out..."

He gave a short laugh. "Yes, you created quite the scene. What is this you are doing?" Varian looked past him at the white screen full of black text with large curious eyes. "Is that writing?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm trying to recover some of my field notes. I'm hitting a snag though. There's just too much I need to get done and in so little time, plus, tomorrow I start up my job again and there's just never enough time for anything."

"What is your job?"

He looked to the side shamefacedly. "Uh, a restaurant. It's the only way I can pay my bills and be able to work on my research at the same time. You'd think degrees would get you money, but nope. Just a financial sinkhole in my field."

"You should have informed me earlier of your monetary struggles. I treat all my staff handsomely indeed."

"Staff?" Hugo repeated, eyeing him.

"I have already seen remarkable improvement to my ailment and therefore I will grant you a pension."

He blinked. "Pension?"

He nodded, somehow appearing so kingly in those baggy pajamas then, it made Hugo sit up a little straighter. "I brought riches with me. I stored them under your bed. Bring my royal purse to me."

"You had money in the clothes you were wearing yesterday?"

"The very same."

Hesitating for a half second, Hugo got up and left to retrieve whatever Varian was referring to in his bedroom. Searching under the bedframe, he blinked at an intricately embroidered coin purse that hadn't been there before.

It was heavy and clinked when he grabbed it. He returned to the kitchen. "This is what you wanted?" He put it in Varian's hand.

"By my goodwill, I will grant you two gold coins."

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