Chapter Six: Table for Two

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Light, live piano played in the background as Varian and Hugo sat in a private booth covered by a red, wooden sliding door with little translucent panes in it. They sipped an atrociously expensive red wine while chatting quietly.

Hugo gazed at the attractive man beside him, taking in the frilly, teal-colored shirt with pearly buttons and long, voluminous sleeves that cuffed at the wrists and the gawdy jewels hanging around his neck. On his fingers he wore several luxurious rings, most of which were his royal rings he'd been wearing when he followed Hugo forward in time.

He wore a white powder on his face that Hugo had helped him pick out at the store along with light cheek rouge, and a hint of red tint on his lips. It was not entirely uncommon for wealthy men of the era to wear a bit of makeup, and Hugo really wished this stayed true in 2023, because the prince was stunning and almost otherworldly.

Varian leaned back, placing an arm behind Hugo's seat as he swirled his wine glass in the other hand. The blond caught a whiff of heady cologne. The scent combined with the alcohol and the already intoxicating company left him smitten.

"I like your hair," he said softly, and Varian's eyes lit up. 

"Thank you." Varian touched the now slightly shorter, layered haircut, and Hugo's eyes drifted to the dyed-teal streak sticking out against ebony hair. "The blue will give my father a real fright when he sees it."

He snorted. "Well, it looks really good."

"Mm, you look good as well." Blue eyes looked him up and down. "Green brings out your eyes."

Hugo glanced down at his crisp white shirt with pleats down the front, emerald bow tie, and green vest. He wore a silver hoop in his ear and his nicer pair of glasses. "Yeah. Been a while since I've worn this. Oh right." Digging into his inner vest pocket, he produced a single red rose. "I brought you this... uh, just because, you know—"

Varian took the flower between his fingers and held it in front of his nose. "How lovely. You did not need to grant me anything."

"But I wanted to."

A small blush appeared on Varian's cheeks that made Hugo's heart pitter patter. "After five centuries, roses remain the same as those I have seen in my own era. Some things never change no matter the passing of time."

"No, I guess not. That's a really beautiful way of putting it."

Shaking his head slightly, Varian looked over at him, blinking back what looked like sentiment. "I am so very excited for you, Hugo, for what happened with the auction. I must congratulate you on receiving more success and happiness in your life."

"I don't deserve congrats when you're the one who made it possible, Prince Varian."

"Please, just Varian will do, and someone like you deserves all the happiness in the world."

He blinked, setting the glass down. "You really think so? I'd like to think I've been improving since things ended with Cyrus."

"Cyrus is the man you courted previously?"

He nodded. "We broke up over a year ago."

There was a pause. "You mentioned he was kind to you?"

"Oh yeah. He was such a sweetheart. Always buying me little things, giving me massages and baking me snacks when I was feeling down and in general just being very supportive and loving," he looked away as he continued, "but I took advantage of that and never gave anything in return. It's honestly my biggest regret."

"It was ugly when you parted?"

"No. That's part of what made it so painful. He was so kind and understanding when he left. I just felt like such a monster."

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