Be mine

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The girls watch a video of themselves then Iris saves a boy from falling crates.They head home while I go for a walk with Aura.I follow Scales and Spike to the place the twins are at.I hear them talking to dad then I leave before they saw me.I see a monster spying on the girls so I spy on it.The girls see it so it fires at them but they dodge. They then transform and attack it while Iris is distracted with a stupid love poem.I whisper "Y/n,Princess of Darkenix." I then transform for the first time before walking out the bushes next to the monster.

I say "I see dad agreed with their plan huh?" They were shocked to see me but they didn't know that it was me because I never transformed

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I say "I see dad agreed with their plan huh?" They were shocked to see me but they didn't know that it was me because I never transformed.I say to the monster "Do whatever you want to them.I chose my side which is against them." We get sent to the battle arena.The girls fight it but they were frozen by the arrows all except Iris.Iris tries to attack it but it only shows the boy she saved.I laugh then say "The love arrow is affecting your powers.Ha ha ha." Suddenly the twins show up laughing.I jump then move away to see them talking.Mephisto talks about Iris being in prison with the one she loves.Praxina talks about catching the other 2 and sending them back to the Palace and to dad.

Mephisto turns to me and says while bowing to me "Finally we found you Princess Y/n of Darkenix and daughter of Master Gramorr." I respond "whatever Mephisto.I have watched you both for a while using my pet and her friends." Praxina traps the other two then tells Mephisto to deal with Iris.I move out the way cause I could tell Iris had a plan.As I thought she shot and attack that Mephisto dodged but the monster shot an arrow that hit Mephisto.I sigh then say to the pets "God he's the dumb but cute one." Aura and the other 2 pets were shocked at what I said as I blushed realising what I said. Mephisto tells Iris how much he loved her making me abit jealous.She uses it to her advantage making him try free her friends.

I go to Praxina saying "Your dumb brother got hit with a love arrow and now he loves Iris.He is willing to do anything for her ugh." He goes to free Talia but Praxina stops him with me next to her.We use our powers to stop him from freeing the girls.He manages to free them then talks to Iris.I sigh then say "Let's just attack him." Praxina agrees then we just attack Mephisto as he runs.He watches as they do their spell but he stands in the way so I pull him to me making him dodge the attack but the love spell brakes and their plan fails again.I then sigh and kiss Mephisto having no choice but to try it then I see it worked so I run away blushing.I head back home and go to my room.I make a crystal to talk to mum and she answers.She asks "Do you need something dear?" I respond "Mum I like this guy but he works for dad AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO." I was crying not knowing what to do.She says "Does he know?" I shake my head no so she sighs and says "Well dear you need to tell him soon even if you're scared." I then say "I chose to work with the Princesses in this form and against them in my Princess form." She smiles happy I chose what I wanted to do.I end the call then go to bed.

My little Princess (Mathesto x reader)Where stories live. Discover now