Talia & Kyle sitting in a tree

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I was chilling at my 2nd house with my pets practicing some of my powers.I then say "Let's see what the Twins are up to this time." My pets agree so we use the shadows to go to the twins hearing about their plan.I spy on a Kyle to see him talking to the girls.At night,I see the girls following him or well Iris and Ariana are but not Talia.I see they are spying and saw the Kyle wasn't even human.We hear their talk then the girls were about to attack the 3 of them but they disappeared.They go back and tell Talia the truth or the confusing one since it's a shape shifter and a real boy thing.The next night,I stay with the girls to see Kyle in danger. They do a spell then follow it as I ran saying "The real Kyle is stuck in a crystal and the one outside is the fake." They saw I told the truth then they saw the twins and the shape shifter.They transform and I do too. I don't fight them nor do I fight the twins.We get to the arena again with me just watching the fight.I see Iris used a spell to make it sleep while standing annoying Praxina.Talia shoots at her making he go into a portal then Mephisto followed.I then leave back to my place before resting in bed and falling asleep after I eat food that Darcy made.

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