Chapter 10: Capturing the high leader, a new roommate

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Beacon Academy, Ozpin's office.

Mission Briefing.

Time: 1100

Laswell: Ozpin and General Ironwood is tasking us to kidnap, interrogate and arrest the White Fang's high leader, Sienna Khan.

Ozpin: Task Force 141 and the Sergeant Major is to be dropped off at Menagerie by boat as civilians to not disturb the populace, this is to insure you aren't immediately deemed a threat.

Laswell: The White Fang has no identification on you, so to make sure you don't disturb the residents, you are to arrive in civilian clothing, you are to equip your gear when the time comes.

Jaune: Me and Gaz will perform Overwatch in Ghillie suits on top of a hill spotted during surveillance, Alejandro Soap, and Roach will clear a spot for exfil, while Ghost and Rodolfo secure the HVT.

Ironwood: When you have arrived in Menagerie you are to link with Ms. Belladonna's parents. Ozpin has already contacted them, and they are waiting for your arrival.

Jaune: In the middle of the night after we infiltrate the Headquarters, Victor 2-4 and Victor 2-5 Temporary Callsign Hawk-1 and Hawk-2, will be tasked to exfil us in a Blackhawk.

Laswell: Surveillance shows no sign of disturbance from all White Fang locations, they most likely have their guard down during this time and for a while.

Ozpin: This operation will be stealth; we can't alert any guards or civilians or else this could cause massive uproar for Faunus as a good amount of Faunus support the White Fang but haven't joined yet. 

Ironwood: You are prohibited to eliminate any White Fang personnel as we can't have any suspicion go around during the operation.

 Jaune: We have her schedule and the time on when to catch her. So, let's get the job done men.

141: Yes sir. 


We cut to see Jaune, Soap, Ghost, Gaz, Roach, Alejandro, and Rodolfo on a boat dressed in civilian clothing heading towards Menagerie.

Alejandro: Do we have any idea where Belladonna's house is?

Jaune: I got a map from Ozpin, were good.

Soap: So, we're only going to be seeing Faunus here?

Jaune: Yeah.

Soap: Cool, always wanted to know what types of Faunus there are.

Ghost: Well then cool your jets Sergeant, we're here for a mission.

Soap: Right.

Gaz: When are we supposed to take her?

Jaune: Midnight sharp, she goes to bed by then.

Ghost: So, we're taking a leader of a foreign terror organization in their sleep?

Jaune: Essentially.

Gaz: Any idea of what she looks like?

Jaune: Besides the tiger parts, not really.

Rodolfo: This should be interesting then.

Roach: Let's find the house and get this over with,


Task Force 141 has arrived at the docks.

Jaune: Alright, *Pulls out map* The house is about 2 blocks away.

Rodolfo who wasn't paying attention was looking around.

Rodolfo: 'Hope we stop to eat, I forgot to get breakfast this morning.'

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