Chapter 3

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I do not own any part of Harry Potter.






Chapter 3 – Lord Death

"Alpha, all the muggleborn house visits are finished. The enchanted quills and parchments for attendance invitations are operational as well." Hermione fussed with the papers in her lap. "The only thing left is to hire two more teachers."

Harry nodded, "Good. Hogwarts is ready for the new year next month and the interdictory schools are almost complete."

Hermione marked the information down. She finished and looked at her Alpha. "Harrison," she hesitated, biting her lip. "I know you have told me before, but are we really doing the right thing? Do we really need to start this war, kill all these people?"

Harry sighed, placing the report he was reviewing down. He closed his eyes tiredly, he asked himself why every day since he knew what needed to be done, but he didn't need his Pack to wonder too. "I know it is hard 'Mione. I know. Mother herself has reassured me that it is needed. The world is dying. Like in a garden, weeds need to be pulled. The muggles are choking the world."

Hermione nodded silently. Harry knew she didn't doubt him, his decisions, but the actions that were needed to be taken hurt her. It hurt most of them. Genocide, mass genocide, that was what they were planning.  He couldn't blame her either. This type of act was naturally against any sane human's instincts. Humans are not creatures meant to just kill their fellow humans; it makes something deep in their soul rebel at the thought alone without the act even being committed.

"Hermione, I know it doesn't make things easier," He sighed, reaching out with the shadows in the form as a wolf, one he had shown off so proudly so long ago at the pub, to rub against her leg and lay its head on her lap. "You don't have to take part in any of the attacks. Just concentrate on your great library, preserve history so nothing of this magnitude has to happen again."

Hermione pet the wolf sadly. Harry felt a soul deep ache for his sweet Hermione, the others also reached out through the bond trying to help soothe the pain they all felt on some level. They spent the rest of the hour in silence, each going through their own paperwork and Hermione petting the wolf until Nightshade came in to curl up on her shoulder.


"Little Alpha," Tom purred as Harry entered the room filled with Venatores and Death Eaters.

Harry ignored the Death Eaters, many of which were the parents of his own hunters. "Hello Tom." He greeted the Dark Lord before turning to the gathering. "My Venatores, my faithful hunters, I bring a message from our Mother."

His hunters eerily still and waited patiently for him to take his seat among his Pack. Harry smirked as he stepped onto the platform that the Pack continually insisted on having at every meeting. He sat on his obsidian throne, his Pack in matching seats flanking to his left and right. He was amused to see that Tom had his own throne on a separate platform on the opposite side of the room, closest to his followers. The Dark Lord distinctly looked miffed at the distance.

He turned his attention back to his Venatores. They waited patiently. "When the full moon bleeds, will the end begin. With this beginning, blood will coat the earth and cries fill the night air but through death will life again flourish." The room grew heavy with every word that passed his lips, a magic deep within each of them, ancient and burning, pushed out. It was a prophecy, spoken by a Blessed Childe from Mother Magic herself. It hung in the air, filled the room, linked them together in an unbreakable promise. "We will bring this world into a new era. An era of magic and life, of hope and future!"

The magic erupted, expanding in jubilance at the announcement, anchoring them all in the truth of his words. Harry watched his Venatores as they cheered, proud of his followers. He glanced at the Death Eaters. Some were looking confused and dazed at what had just occurred. The more powerful and ancient of the lot looked amazed, they understood what had happened perfectly.

"MiLord!" A female's voice called out. The Venatores hushed and moved aside so the female could approach unhindered. It was Kindra County. "When will the blood moon bloom in the sky?"

Harry smiled, "It's not a blooming blood moon Kindra. The full moon will rise in her silver glory and then bleed red. Because of this it cannot be tracked."

"When will we know when the time comes then?" Kindra asked, the excitement in her voice fed into the energy of anticipation encompassing the room.

Harry smiled calmly down at her, "All will know by the call to arms that will ring through the silent night and through the magic in our veins while the shadows are unleashed among the world once again."


Night had long since fallen, leaving the house silent and asleep beside Harry sitting in his office staring into the fire burning. He could feel a presence just on the edge of his senses, watching him, waiting for something. A different presence pulled his attention as it approached him from behind.

"My childe, you should be resting," Mother Magic's boundlessly changing voice echoed in the silence.

Harry felt the other presence move closer but disregarded it, "I feel change in the air. It squeezes at my lungs and my heart stutters. My blood switches between soothing fire and burning ice. I have felt this since the dementors, though my magic settled quickly. Why now does my magic act up again?"

He felt Mother Magic run a hand through his hair, soothing him, yet give no answer. The presence moved once again. Harry could feel it beside the Mother, directly behind him. Where the Mother felt like fire, pure and fierce, the other presents felt cold and calm. The being's presence wrapped around him, restraining him yet not constricting. Unyielding but not trapping. All at once he knew this presence. He knew from the resent dreams, from when his magic was gone, and first felt it when he foolishly fought the dementors.

"Lord Death," Harrison acknowledged the presence, eyes still watching the flames dance. Mother Magic faded, leaving Lord Death with one of her favorite Blessed Children. Harry didn't struggle when darkness encompassed him, stealing him from consciousness.

He didn't know how long he drifted in the darkness. One moment he was in nothingness and the next he stood by a river, running fast and deep.

"My darling Harrison," A voice choked with too many emotions called from the other side. Harry looked up. His mother and father stood on the far side of the river, beckoning him to come to them. "Baby come to us. It's okay."

"Come on son," His father called out stepping up to the very edge, reaching a handout as far as he could.

Something urged him to try and get to them but in the back of his mind he noted that it wasn't his magic. Something else was urging him to try to do the impossible, to cross the river without dying. 

The three brothers escaped death by using their magic and logic, but death doesn't like being cheated. Hermione's voice drifted through his mind. It was from a conversation the Pack had about children's tales. He had bought the book, but Hermione had read it out loud in her own words one stormy afternoon while the Pack relaxed after an intense training session.

Harry reached for his magic, yet it didn't head his call. He looked back to his parents, though now others had joined them. They just watched him as his parents stopped calling for him. He had to make a choice. Harry didn't even hesitate to step off the shore into the water waiting to swallow him and swallow him it did. He let it sweep him away, over him, through him without fear. Greet death like an old friend, was his last thought.

He woke with a heaving breath, choking as he rolled over on his side coughing up water. His magic surged through him as he gulped breath after breath of sweet air into his deprived lungs.

"Well done my son," the eternal voice of Lord Death was the barest of whispers, yet it shook through his frame like a thunder. "It is time."


Hey everyone! I know it's been a while, but I swear I haven't abandoned my baby (my story) or you, my lovelies. I have just been busy. Because of that I thought I owed you all another chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.  

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