Chappter 4

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I do not own any part of Harry Potter.

So fair warning I have decided to give you both a lemon in this long awaited chapter. I hope you all enjoy it!






Chapter 4 – Bleeding Moon

Harrison spent the days readying his Venatores, his Pack split between the different teams he created for when the time came. All of his Venatores were ready. The mass majority of his hunters were located in England, Scotland, and Ireland but even his small number of followers in France, Russia, Bulgaria, and Germany were ready. They would be leading teams of their own made up of their own government. This attack was sanctioned by Mother Magic herself and the Lords of Old were still the highest authority in the Magical World. They were ready for the call.

The only place the Pack were hesitant about not helping with was the United States of America and South America, but when the Neutral Lord said she would take care of her own country Harry stepped back. That didn't mean that he wasn't ready to step in if he must though. The Death Eater were ready to attack in China, Japan, and in Africa. Harry was planning to hit the world hard and the major cities fast. He hoped to have this war over within a month few months.


He was so busy with the preparations he forgot about his 16th birthday. If it wasn't for his Aunt, Snape and Dudley coming into his office with the cake and gifts right before midnight he would have forgotten all together.

The rest of his family weren't far behind in the birthday celebrations either. At 7 am sharp they, along with all the guests they invited for his 'surprise party' were all in his house. Sirius had the strangest muggle music blaring on the radio while Remus was helping Petunia in the kitchen. Cedric and Luna were organizing the pile of gifts, while Hermione was writing down who the gifts came from so that Harry could sent thank you cards later.

The Pack, with Tom's help, had blocked off his office from even shadow walking. He didn't mind too much though. They ended up in their animagus forms, or in Ginny's case she chose to mimic the twins with a fox form, making nuisance of themselves for most of the day. Harry spent that day acting like the 16-year-old he was instead of a Lord with all the responsibilities on his shoulders.

When the night was finally winding down Harry found himself sharing the couch with Tom as his Pack presented him their gifts one by one. Hermione took great pride in finding a book he didn't own. Ginny found him a new earring carved from dragon bone in the shape of an almost perfect replica of the longer dagger set Fred and George gave him. Draco and Neville worked together to make every potion they had created together to present to him in a specially made potion box. Luna, his moon, had given him an opal ritual bowl. Sirius and Remus had tracked down every photo of Lily and James that they could, which was surprisingly a lot, and created another album for him.

Tom had waited until they were back in his office to give him his gift. Harry almost laughed when he saw it but his magic sang in joy. Tom had given him a traditional courtship band.

"Courtship?" He didn't take the band from Tom's hand, not yet. The band itself was beautiful in its simplicity. Polished silver, about 2 inches wide with parselscript etched around the edge of the band. It spoke of protection and possessiveness, so all knew the one wearing it was taken. It was a Slytherin heirloom.

"I already declared that you were mine," Tom stepped into his space, slipping the band up Harry's wrist to the middle of his forearm where it locked into place with magic.

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