Chapter 6

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Hey all my Dearling! Here is another chapter for you guys. 






Chapter 6 – Dedications

Harry sat watching the Pack and their partners eat breakfast. Soon this would be his whole Pack. He had already created new Pack bands for them and the twins along with Ginny had once again created a whole new uniform for them all, but everything was waiting in his office for after the ritual.

'How did this become my life?' Harry mused; head tilted back looking up at the ceiling. 'All I wanted was to go to Hogwarts, learn some magic and keep my head down.'

Fred and George snorted in unison from opposite sides of the table by their respective partners, side eyeing him. 'And see how well that worked? You were never going to have a quiet life anyway.'

"No mental conversations at the table." Sirius loudly called out.

Harry chuckled as Ginny threw a croissant at his godfather and once more brought up the sight that they found when she went to wake him and Remus that morning. "Very well, Sirius we have all been talking about your sleepwear. Pink bunny slippers on birthday suit just does not match and we demand you fix your fashion disaster. "

"What were you really speaking about Little Alpha?" Tom's smooth voice stole Harry's attention from the amusing mock fight that Ginny had started on the other end of the table.

Harry looked over at his betrothed, "I was trying to figure out where my life plans had derailed."

"Hey!" Sirius pointed at them dramatically, "No hissing either!"

Harry wordlessly hissed back with a smirk, causing a new round of mock fighting to break out. He settled back in his chair, content where he was in life at the moment. Hermione poked his shoulder, nonverbally reminding him of their agreement. Harry smirked at her.

"Well, since the ladies have put their foot down and demanded me of it.  Viktor, Cedric and Blaise please join myself and the godfathers in my office while the other go off to be children."

Harry smirked as the others jokingly argued about being called children. He raised an eye when Ginny even stabbed the table with one of her daggers. She sheepishly pulled it out and put it away when she only proved his point. Harry chuckled as he led Vitor, Cedric and Blaise into his office after breakfast. Tom ignored them, sitting at Harry's desk to go through his own paperwork as the other men sat around the office to start 'bonding'.

"Luna wants us to feel conformable with our future Alpha." Cedric amusingly tells the others. "She thinks we have a disadvantage without a bond the rest of you have."

Viktor snorts in amusement. "Hermione is under the same idea. Are you two not already marked followers?"

"We are." Blaise agrees, grabbing a glass of whiskey that Sirius pours for each of them even as Remus scowls at his mate. "It's almost like they think we're complete strangers."

"Yes, we know nothing about each other." Blaise nods seriously. "My dear Ginevra is very much correct. After all it's not like Harrison has been Slytherin king as long as he has been the Raven king and spend half his time with us in the dungeons. Draco isn't one of my oldest friends and Cedric here didn't make a name for himself when it came to tutoring the younger years. The both of you never spent time with Harrison during the Tri-Wizard tournament and Harrison never taught us in the room of requirements. We have never had a proper conversation at any gathering or in school. I completely understand where our ladies are coming from."

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