Chapter 5

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Hey all my sweetlings! I am so sorry the long wait. Things may have been crazy, but I promise I will never abandon this story. I do not own any part of Harry Potter.






Chapter 5 – Wartime Decisions

Harry gritted his teeth as the muggles fought back with their guns and bombs. They were killing more of their own then his Venatores or Death Eaters were. He wrapped the shadows around a group of fighters ahead of him, transporting them straight into the volcano in the distance. With every death he felt both wretched and validated. Mother Magic was stronger, he could already feel her presence growing but he could also feel Lord Death shadowing him, gleeful in the bloodshed that ferried hundreds of thousands of souls to his domain. Harry swallowed the sick that begged to be released. After, he promised himself, pushing all his emotions to a small corner in the back of his mind, he could feel after.

'Pack report.' He sent through the link, ducking behind a piece of ripped cement for cover from the gunfire.

'Only pockets of resistance left Alpha,' George replied. 'Why do they think they have a chance? Most of them are dead.'

Harry blasted a wall to his left, killing the muggles hiding in the decimated remains of a house. 'All creatures naturally fight back. It's just the nature of things. We don't need to kill them all, but we need to get the resistance to die down.'

Draco sent a wordless yell though the bond. Harry jolted in surprise, almost transporting to his side when Draco spoke, 'They just launched a nuke!'

'Shit,' Hermione replied at the same time as Harry.

'They did what now?' Fred asked in disbelief. It was almost funny that before Hermione and Harry none of them knew what a nuclear weapon was.

Panic hit Harry like a truck. His breath froze in his lungs as it overloaded his senses for a moment. A cold brush of skeletal hands on his shoulders pulled him back to the world around him. 'Pack, go to Draco's location! We need to neutralize the nuke before it detonates!' Harry commanded as he activated the Pack bands and wrapped all his warriors in the vicinity in his shadows to pull with him.

Harry almost stumbled as he landed beside Draco, magic already reacting by creating a barrier around them. Fred, George, Neville, and Ginny appeared moments later. Harry took a moment to evaluate what was around them. Draco was given a quadrant in Spain to clear up the few pockets of resistance. He saw the area was clear of mundanes but there was a squad of 30 Venatores waiting for orders.

"Return to base," Harry ordered. As the sound of portkeys filled the air he turned to the Pack. "We need to contain the bomb without it detonating."

"Can we send it somewhere else?" Neville asked.

Harry hesitated, "I think we need to get it off planet if it does detonate, but our best bet is to stop it before it can detonate."

'Can you destroy the controls?' Hermione asked through the bond. 'Or...'

'Or?' Draco asked back trying to hurry up her thoughts.

'Who wants to do some time travel to whoever launched it and stop it?' Hermione asked.

Ginny grinned 'Doesn't bad things happen to wizards who mess with time?'

"Bad things will happen to this planet if we don't." Harry muttered. 'Hermione, I know you want nothing with this war, but we need a time turner from you.'

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