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When y/n agreed to cooperate with the firelights, he never thought he would end up handcuffed to a table in what appeared to be an interrogation room, cut off from his allies in an unknown location with individuals whose motivations were unknown to him.

It was almost dawn and he could feel how tiredness was taking over him. Closing his eyes and resting was a luxury, one that he couldn't afford, not when the leader of such a dangerous group was sitting in front of him.

-"You staring at me behind that mask?" The vigilante asked -"I can't really tell."

-"What happened to your eyes?" The leader said, noticing the absence of colour in his pupils.

-"Toxic shit hit my face and I went blind." Y/n smirked -"Don't you feel bad? Holding a cripple against his will?"

The leader chuckled at his comment -"You seem too damn perceptive to be disabled."

They both remained silent for a few moments.

-"Are you gonna take that thing off or something?" Y/n replied -"Don't tell me you're shy."

Upon receiving silence as the only answer, the blind man became impatient.

-"Listen, I took a vow of faith with you. If you want me to trust you, you're gonna have to trust me back."

The leader was silent, slowly raised his hands to his helmet and cautiously removed it.

his appearance was peculiar, a young man with dark skin and white hair in dreadlocks, he had a white tattoo of an hourglass covering his face. Then again, he went silent after putting the helmet on the table.

-"In case you made that dramatic pause because you were expecting me to recognize you..." He passed his hand over his eyes several times to highlight his obvious blindness.

-"For someone who's supposed to be dead, you have a very lively sense of humor." The leader said, now that he no longer had his helmet on, the blind man could hear his natural, true voice, and it immediately hit him.

-"Ekko." He said, surprised to find himself face to face with his old friend.

-"Long time no see, y/n." He replied -"Don't make that face, the one who is seeing a ghost right now is me, not you."

-"How? Why?" The blind man still didn't believe what he was witnessing.

-"After the explosion in the factory, I was left alone. Lynns took me in, he looked like he wanted to get justice for the Lanes." The boy lowered his head, remembering the hurtful realization he experienced when he was proven wrong.

-"After he went mad and died, I took all his stuff and formed a group." He looked up to face the blind man -"What happened to you?"

Y/n hummed, remembering the process he went through after he lost his vision -"After the explosion, I was seriously injured, the shimmer that blinded me somehow altered my other senses, it sharpened them."

Y/n stared at his hand for a brief moment.

-"I found someone who helped me use them to my advantage, taught me how to use them to fight. For four years, it was like starting from scratch, learning how to do it all over again."

however pleasant the conversation was, there were still things to discuss, priorities, and y/n took the lead in changing the subject.

-"Where're Vi and Caitlyn?"

-"They are also being held, I still can't determine if they are allies or not, and I want to ask you a couple of questions before anything."

the black man put a container on the table, when activating the lock mechanism, its content became visible, this being the mythical hex stone.

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