~Part Three~

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Monday morning, Tsu came back home after leaving for the grocery store. Katsuki wouldn't wake up to leave with her, so she tasked her friend Midoriya to watch him.

She claimed she'd be no more than two hours. She didn't expect there to be so many people, so she ended up taking longer. Four hours, to be exact.

Once she left the store, putting her groceries in the back seat of her car, she got a phone call from Midoriya.

She hoped he wasn't upset with him. She prepared for him to scold her as she answered his call.

"Uhm, Tsu?! You should come quick! Kacchan's acting strange!" He screeched through the phone.

Tsu raised her eyebrow, "Kacchan?"

"Oh, uh, that's the nickname I gave him. Just please hurry!"

"Okay, okay! I'll be there in five, kero."

She got in her car and drove to her house. Once there, she rushed to the front door, leaving her groceries in the car. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked.

She opened the door, seeing a large blonde dog, practically the size of a bear tied up in Izuku's blackwhip.

"Wha- Midoriya, what's going on?! Where's Katsuki!!?" She asked, walking inside and shutting the door. She looked up at her friend, who was using his other quirk, 'Float' to stay from the dog that was trying to bite him.

"This is Kacchan!!"

What.. but, how? That's Katsuki?

She was confused, but she also understood as he barked over and over at Midoriya.

"Midoriya, let him go."

"What?! But won't he hurt you?!"

She shook her head, "No, I'll be fine."

Midoriya hesitantly released him, waiting for him to attack again. Though, before either of them moved an inch, Tsu stepped between them.

She showed each of her palms to both of them, not wanting either to move.

"Katsuki, it's okay. I'm right here."

The dog sniffed at her side and she watched as he scowled. Immediately afterwards he poofed, a cloud formed around him and Tsu felt arms wrapped around her legs.

"Froppy! I couldn't find you!! And.. a-and this stranger was here instead!!" He whimpered as he hugged her tightly.

She pat his head gently before facing her friend, "Sorry, Midoriya. I should've known leaving him with a stranger wasn't a good idea."

Midoriya chuckled softly, "That's okay. I'll just have to come visit more so he can get to know me!" He smiled, reaching his hand over to pat the boys head.

His ears and tail fluffed up as he growled at him, not letting him come any closer, "Oi, stay away from my froggy!" He hissed.

Midoriya retracted his hand before he was bit, "Or maybe not." He murmured.

"Come any time. Maybe call first, kero."

"Heh, right," he murmured as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

After Midoriya helped her with the groceries, he left. Thankfully Katsuki didn't harm him in any way, though he did hurt himself.

Tsu put a bandage on the small scratch that bled above his knee, whining every now and then, complaining that it still hurt.

"Come on, it can't hurt that bad," she murmured.

"But it does!" He whined, nuzzling into her arm.

"You just want attention, don't you, kero?"

His cheeks tinted red in embarrassment before turning away, crossing his arms with a pout and a 'hmph.'

She giggled as she placed her hands on his head, stroking his ears gently.

His tail fluffed up and his arms uncrossed. He closed his eyes as the relaxation hit him, nuzzling his head into her hand.

"That feels nice, Ms. Froppy." He coo'd, leaning against her.

"You can call me Tsu, y'know," she giggled.

"Tsu?" He questioned, looking up at her.

She nodded, "Mhm."

"Tsu.." he whispered as he tilted his head.

"Yep. Oh, and Katsuki, can I ask something? Well, maybe multiple things."

"Oh, okay." He mumbled.

"How old are you, kero?"

Katsuki thought for a moment before answering, "Eight."

"Eight? Hm, you're taller than the average eight year old." She murmured, "Next question; what was that today? That.. form?"


He placed his index finger against his chin, he must've picked that up from her. It was quite cute, though.

He shrugged, "I'm.. not sure. Once I saw your 'friend' it sorta just happened."

"Do you transform on your own, or it just happens?"

He shrugged, "I was never really trained to do so, so they would sorta just scare it out of me.. or hurt me until I transformed."

She frowned, "I'm sorry. Now, last question; do you know when your birthday is?"

"I'm not really sure, but.. in the years I lived with those- people, there was always a day where I didn't do anything. April twentieth."

"Well, that should be your birthday." She smiled warmly, patting his head.

She looked out the window, seeing it was getting dark before she turned to look at him again, "Well, it's getting late. How about we go take a bath now?"

She watched as his cheeks tinted pink, "'We'?"

"Oh, well, not we. You can bathe yourself first, then I'll bathe after you! How's that sound?"

The blush on his cheeks faded as he spoke, "Well.. can I still be in the bathroom with you?"

"Hm, still not use to being alone yet?"

He shook his head.

She hummed in thought for a moment, "Hm, alright. As long as you don't peek! That'd be, uhm, inappropriate, kero."

"I promise!" He smiled, jumping up with joy.


After Katsuki bathed, it was Tsuyu's turn. She sat in the tub full of warm water, washing herself with the bar of soap while Katsuki sat beside the tub, not peeking at her of course.

"Okay, I'm getting out now. No peeking, kero."

"Mhm!" He hummed. She then watched as his paws covered his eyes.

She carefully stepped out the tub and tried not to slip on the tiled floor. She grabbed a clean towel and dried herself off before putting on her pajamas (white shirt with black shorts) .

"Alright, you can look now."

"I can?"


The boy slowly removed his paws and looked up at her, his tail wagged back and forth. He rose his arms up towards her, "Bedtime?" He questioned softly.

She giggled, picking him up and holding him in her arms, "Yeah, bedtime." She smiled as she walked into their bedroom, turning the light off to the bathroom and closing the door as well.

She placed him on the bed, "Want to keep the lamp on?" She asked, earning a nod from him so she kept the lamp on, only lighting a small part of the bedroom.

"We can go buy you a nightlight tomorrow, if you want, kero." She suggested before getting into the bed beside him, opening her arms, knowing he'd crawl into them eventually.

He crawled into her arms and snuggled up against her, "Okay," he murmured sleepily.

She pressed a kiss against his forehead before continuing to cuddle him, "Alright."

Part Three

//Lost Pup//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang