~Part Eight~

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Next morning, Tsu woke up with a huge headache. It felt like her head was spinning! Eventually she made her way to the kitchen to see Katsuki made them both breakfast. She thanked him as they sat down to eat.

Halfway through eating Katsuki asked her if she remembered anything from last night. She claimed she didn't remember much. She then asked if she'd done or said anything embarrassing. He assured her she didn't.

After breakfast Katsuki sat on the couch, with Tsu laying her head in his lap. A while into watching tv Tsu let out a groan and Katsuki looked down at her, his hand rubbed her head.

"You alright?" He asked, his thumb stroked her forehead.

"My head's ringing, kero," she whined as she nuzzled her head into his hand.

"You're probably hungover," he rolled his eyes.

She hummed, "Mhm. Well, now it's my turn for pets," she giggled as he placed his other hand on his head, caressing her scalp.

"Tsk, fine."

After a while, it was Katsuki's turn for pets. He transformed into his large werewolf form and laid himself atop her legs, his snout resting in her lap as she pet his head. Eventually though, she dozed off with her hand resting on his head.

Katsuki inhaled softly through his nose and nudged his snout into her stomach, 'Fuck, she.. smells good..' he thought.

He inhaled her scent, then exhaled, only to inhale her scent once more. The cycle continued before he finally had enough.

'Fuck, I can't.. I can't wait anymore.'

He stood up carefully as to not wake her up, causing her hand that was previously on his head to drop to her side.

He pulled her legs carefully so she'd properly lay on the couch. He then pressed his snout into her cheek, his tongue rolled over her neck.

Tsu moaned sleepily, before rolling onto her stomach. Katsuki's tail wagged as he continued to stand atop her. He nudged his snout into the back of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent.

"T-Tsu.." he spoke in his gruff voice.

He moved his hips forward, his groin pressing against her backside. He let out a low growl as he pressed himself against her more.

Katsuki began to move back and forth, rubbing his groin against her backside, groaning softly. He stopped suddenly when he heard Tsu murmur sleepily.

"Kat.. Katsuki? What're you.. doing?" She hummed, not yet opening her eyes or sitting up to look at him.

"Tsu, I-I can't..- I-I'm sorry.." his nostrils flared as air escaped through them.

She let out a small yawn before she replied, "Can't what? You okay, kero?" She rolled over onto her back before sitting up, oblivious to what he was doing a minute ago.

"I.. I need.."

"Need what? What's the matter?" She hurriedly asked, needing to know what was wrong immediately but he couldn't get it out.

"Katsuki, you can tell me." She assured him.

"I-I need to.. I need you, please! I can't.. wait any longer!" He begged.

"Oh, okay, okay. What do you need me to do, kero?" She asked softly.

"Just.." he gritted his teeth, "just turn over, and get on all fours."

Tsu's eyes widened as a wide blush spread across her face, "Wha-?! Katsuki?!"

He frowned, "I know! I-I know what I'm asking of you to do.. but, please. I need you.." he let out a whine.

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