~Part Six~

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Katsuki woke up that morning, not to the smell of breakfast, nor Tsu's scent, but to nothing and no one. His eyes blinked open, his eyesight adjusting to read the small note on the nightstand beside the bed.

He grabbed it and brought it closer. It read, 'Morning, Katsuki. I left at six this morning, but I'll be back before four. Promise.
Ps. You clung tightly when I tried to leave this morning. You're still adorable. Love, Tsu.'

He rolled his eyes, embarrassed as he scoffed at the note, "Whatever," he muttered. He stood up from the bed and ran a hand through his hair.

'I miss her touch already,' he thought as his ears drooped sadly.

Today was Friday, so he'd only have live lessons till twelve. After school he'd move his stuff into his new room.

School went by fast, he finished his homework and shut his laptop. He loved the pro hero All Might, and had some posters and action figures in his and Tsu's shared room. He felt bad taking up most of her space. He also knew he was hogging the blanket at night.

He went into their shared room, taking his stuff and putting it into his new room. It didn't take as long as he thought. Only two and a half hours. Afterwards, he started making dinner, since Tsu would be home soon.

After an hour he finished cooking dinner and Tsu arrived home. Katsuki asked about her day as they sat at the table eating. She told him about how she stopped a bank robbery, all by herself! He wasn't surprised. He knew very well what she was capable of. Though he was happy for her, of course.

After dinner, they sat on the couch and watched some horror movie. Halfway through the movie, he noticed Tsu looking sleepy, her eyelids shutting every few seconds. She tried to stay awake though.

Katsuki nudged his elbow softly into her side, "Oi, what's the matter?"

She yawned, "Nothing, kero. Just a little sleepy.."

"Then fall asleep already, jeez."

"Mmh, okay.." she murmured. She leaned back into the couch, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

A few minutes pass, Katsuki continued watching the tv until he felt something land against his shoulder. His ears twitched as he turned his head to see what it was. It was Tsu, laying her head against his shoulder.

His cheeks reddened, "Tsk, idiot," he murmured. He wrapped his arm around her waist and carefully laid her in his lap, her head laying against the arm of the couch.

She snored softly as she napped in his lap, soft 'kero's' coming from her mouth.

"Cute idiot," he grumbled as he stared down at her.

He tangled his fingers into her sea green hair and stroked her scalp softly.


Thirty minutes later, Tsu woke up. She slowly opened her eyes, looking up at Katsuki.

"Mmh," she hummed sleepily, "Was I asleep long?"

Katsuki shook his head, "Nope. Not even an hour."

"Hm, well, thanks for letting me nap here, kero," she giggled as she sat up, sitting atop his legs.

She looked at him, his cheeks reddened as they continued to look at each other. She chuckled softly, "Right, sorry. I'll get off your legs now," before she could get up, Katsuki placed his hands on her waist, keeping her still.

"No, stay," he muttered, "You're comfy, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah, but aren't I heavy?" She asked softly.

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