Chapter 01

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Chapter 01

Years earlier......

At Cape Town

Mihlali Dlamini

The limo came to a smooth halt at the red carpet , I took a deep breath and looked at all the reporters who had their cameras and mics ready for me . God knows I've been dreaming for this for the past five years but all of the sudden I grew nervous.

I look at my best friend slash manager , she has been with me since day one and never gave up on me . We have been friends since from primary school, she is my ride or die "even though I don't know where we are riding and why are we supposed to die " .

Buhle: You can do this Mimi , we don't have to stay here for long just get Nicholas Parker's attention and that's it . After all it is a movie premiere wich you were part of it .
Mihlali: I was just an extra Buhle not the main character,  and what if my skills are not good enough for him .
Buhle: oh please , you are good at what you are doing even better than him let's go this is not a parking lot .

She walked out of the car and went around to open my door , I got out with a smile on my face as the cameras kept flashing on my face . I posed a little for some photographs than continued to walk inside.

Some reporters called out my name wich I did not expect becouse I am not that big , I walked to one of them with a big smile on my face and answered some of her questions. Minutes later I walked in the premier with Buhle on my side  and it was parked with celebs .

Buhle: Get Nichola's attention and we are out of here , I heard there is his upcoming movie you might go to the auditions and definitely get a role .
She said than disappeared from my sight , I only had one mission and I was Born for this right .


It's been three hours since I have got here and Nicholas is has been occupied since , almost all these people where up on his face. It is already the after party and people a busy holding conversations with anyone , let me tell you about Nicholas. Nicholas Parker is a award winning movie director who also happens to have his own production company wich is caller " parker film" ,he is also an actor . i looked at him and he was finally alone, I took a sip from my champaign and than walked up to him .

Mihlali: Mr Parker
Nicholas: Mihlali
Mihlali: and he knows name ( I said this with a smile)
Nicholas: who doesn't,  I mean I still aks myself how the fuck you did not get the main role in this movie cause God you killed it and sexy too .( I laughed a little)
Mihlali: well only God knows but maybe you could take me up for that offer I heard that you have an upcoming movie wich is still auditioned for .
Nicholas: I would love you to play Shantel , wait here let me go call James so that we can talk business.
Mihlali: okey

He walked away to call James,  I looked around and I saw buhle giving me the thumbs up. I only smiled her way . Nicholas came back with James who offered me a drink .

Mihlali: Thank you( I say while taking a sip )
Nicholas: This is the girl I've been telling  you about James , she is the perfect candidate for Shantel.
James: I see that , miss I might say that you have already got the role you will just go for the auditions just for control .
Mihlali: OH my God thank you so much I promise I won't disappoint you sir thank .

I say while hugging with them , Finally my dream is coming . Without noticing I had already finished my drink and the conversation between us was flowing like a river , I started getting light headed and dizzy .

James: Miss mihlali over here must had too much to drink, I might say  why don't we go get some fresh air .( he said while laughing a little )
Mihlali: no I'm good , uhm my mouth just feels a little bit dry . Uhm we uhm we were still taking , we we were still talking you know about the.....God it is hot in here .
Nicholas: well let's go outside.

I tried walking but I couldn't I almost tripped but Nicholas held me and He scooped me in a bridal style,  and walked out with me in his arms .and at that point I couldn't see anything , my eyes were blurry and I couldn't hear clearly.  The only thing I heard is that.... .

" Hurry open the door before someone sees us" and it was lights out .



I washed my hand in the bathroom than walked back to the actual event , I'm just hoping that Mihlali is finished with Nicholas this place is boring. All these rich and famous people don't know how to throw a party , I'm never attending these things again.

I walked in a looked for Mihlali but I couldn't see her , even Nicholas was not insight .I walked around searching for them but still nothing , I do not have my phone with me I left it in the limo when we walked in . I had only one option but to ask around , almost all the people here did not see here I was starting to get worried.

Buhle: hy uhm sorry to disturb you but have you seen Mihlali,  she has blonde hair and wearing a black dress .
1st girl: Everyone Here knows who Mihlali is, I saw her standing over there with Nicholas and James moments ago
2nd girl: oh and she looked pretty drunk , she couldn't walk with her two feet . James had to carry her .
1st girl: And when did you see that ?
2nd girl:on my way back from the bathroom.
1st girl :I bet that's the alcohol in your system talking .
3rd girl: I bet they are going to have a three sum .
2nd girl: and i heard that James has a big dick , oh God he is going to tear the poor girl apart .
3rd girl: well I can handle , as long as he can do his job right .( they giggled, this was getting out of hand )
Buhle: uhm thank you ladies.

I said than walked out , well she is a big girl and it is her own choice to have sex with anyone she wants . As long as she is safe and sound , I walked to the limo and got inside . The driver started driving the minute I told him to drive and Mihlali is not coming with us , I took my phone and texted her to have fun .


The next day

Mihlali Dlamini

God my head hurts like shit , only God knows how many drinks I had last night . I laid there for a second without opening my eyes , this bed was not so comfy today and my body hurts like hell.  I opened my eyes but closed them immediately becouse of the light, minutes later I opened them again and looked around. 

This is not my room , I looked around and I was laying on the floor . As seconds went on and I was aware of my surroundings and that's when I started to feel the throbbing pain coming from  between my legs . My heart started beating so fast , please God it better be nothing .I removed the sheet that was covering me and all i could see was dried out blood and semen , this was all coming from me

No they did not, how could they . I looked at my side and four used condoms where there , with a red tie . God what have I done , if only I had went home .  Oh my God.


Hope you enjoy ❤️

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