chapter 31

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Chapter 32

At the private hospital

The nurse walked in the ward with the police following behind her , she stood next to Ella and the police took out handcuffs and cuffed Elle to the bed he turned and looked at the nurse .

Police: I heard that something happened to her .
Nurse: Yes the hospital has opened a case the was a person who came here and switched of the machine in hopes that she would die becouse she can't breathe on her own .
Police: Do you perhaps know this person
Nurse: No he was hiding his face when he came in
Police: Does she have people visiting her
Nurse:No , actually no there is actually this one gentleman who came here the other day and said that she is his sister something along those lines , he only came once though .
Police: Do you remember his name ?
Nurse: He said his name was he said his name was oh Percy something along those lines Percy.
Police: Okey thank you for your time , there will be two police man who will be watching over her day in day out and also checking who walks in here .
Nurse: Okey and also she was actually injected by harmful substance by one of the nurses maybe that nurse was also sent by the person who tried to kill her.
Police: You say harmful substance
Nurse: Yes , the substance was supposed to kill her you know destroy her kidneys and her lungs and heart but than thank God we discovered it early, I think it is also the reason why she is not waking up fast .
Police: Thank you nurse we will take it from here .


Few weeks later

  At court

Jessica looked down as the judge stood up and left the courtroom,  it is final she was going to die in prison . The possibility of her coming out where slim and she would be probably be old by than . She looked around and none of her family member's even came to support her , she only saw Mihlali and Buhle . The police came and handcuffed her leading her down the stairs .

There was a lot of noise in the courtroom , people where happy that she is finally going away. Probably the social media was a circus about her , she was number one on Twitter at this point.  The past few few weeks have been hard on her with people trying to kill her but than it stopped the minute Fernando was arrested,  who was the one who was trying to kill her.

She still couldn't belive that Ella was really actually involved in this thing , she also got arrested as soon as she got out of the hospital , she is still on trial and the way she is she pleaded not guilty even though the police had enough evidence to lock her away .

Sitting on thus bus bieng transported to her new got her feeling nervous,  she knew very well that that side would be different than here. The Bus was full of different criminals , killers and etc all in one . Since she was going to be here for a while she had to learn how to survive and stay alive,  the judge did give her a lesser sentence since she confessed and gave the police good information but still she was going to prison.


Mihlali Dlamini

We are busy sitted here in this hotel room wearing matching white silky pj's, it is officially Buhles bridal shower my sis is getting married tomorrow . We are with my cousins and her cousins and they are the bridesmaids and I am the maid of honor, we are busy doing girls stuff talking and laughing but the girls thought that this was not enough.

Zintle: We have a surprise for the bride .
Buhle: What surprise?
Mihlali: Well since this is your last day of freedom we decided to do something nice for .
Buhle: Okey whats that ?
Mihlali: Look .

The door opened right on time and the male strippers walked in with each one of them with a chair in hand , the ladies went mad crazy even the bride . They where not wearing any shirts they just had pants on and ties.  The boys put their chairs down and looked at the ladies with the "Come sit here" look , they all stood up and ran to them and sat on each chair .

I won't be participating on the activity so I wore my robe and walked out after telling them to enjoy.  Since tomorrow is the big day we have to go to sleep as soon as those boys leave , I bet Zintle will score herself one of those man the way that girl is so hype.

I get to the hotel restaurant and sit down and order some wine , the waiter brings my order and I thank him . As I am sitting there enjoying my wine a girl walks up to me , she is wearing formal clothes maybe she is from work .

Girl: Mihlali right ?(  Shit I forgot to hide my face)
Mihlali: Yes
Girl: Thank God ( She took out an envelope and placed it on the table ) I am Jessica Palmers lawyer and she said I should give you this . Enjoy your wine miss .

She leaves immediately , I look at the envelope and open it . I am nervous I don't know why I am nervous but I am , after opening it there is a letter inside. It is an apology letter , she didn't write a long paragraph she just wrote

"I'm so sorry, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me ." Did she send thisq letter to every girl she kidnapped.  Buhle comes down the stairs and look at me .

Buhle: Come on they are gone , God you should feel how wet I am at this point I need my man .

I laugh at her and stand up before we leave the restaurant we bump to Msizi wearing his chef uniform , my day couldn't get any better . He looks at me shocked and Buhle besides me looks annoyed , something happened between these two while I was gone I can feel it in my bones .

Mihlali: Msizi still alive and kicking
Buhle: I could have wished that he died
Mihlali: mmmm
Buhle: I called him when you got rescued and a girl answered and said she will kill me if I called again , this guy never loved you .
Msizi: That's not true , I couldn't just wait for Mihlali who knows maybe she wouldn't have been rescued.
Mihlali&Buhle: Wow Msizi.

With that we left him there , Buhle gave me a side hug and I smiled looking at her face as we continued walking to our hotel room .


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