chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Mihlali Dlamini

I sat there looking at the blank space , I don't know how I  feeling I'm totally numb . The doctor just walked out , my test results are back and I wish he hadn't told me what they say . I still ask myself to this day since I got kidnapped whether God is with me , I know they say he is always with us and listens to our prayers but am I included on that list?

Buhle walked in holding some McDonald's in hand she had a smile on her face and I did not find the power to return,  she stretched her hand out giving me the food and I did not waste time and started eating .

Buhle: How are you feeling? ( I looked at her without answering) stupid questions I am sorry .
Mihlali: You missed the doctor he told me about my blood samples .
Buhle: And ?
Mihlali: I am HIV positive .
Buhle: how?
Mihlali: I did not get tested you know after James,  and than I got kidnapped and stuff
Buhle: I'm so sorry friend,  but nowhere days HIV  is not a problem anymore as long as you drink your pills you won't affect the person you will be sexually active with .
Mihlali: It doesn't end there
Buhle: okey
Mihlali: I'm two weeks pregnant
Buhle: That's that'
Mihlali: I'm getting rid of it
Buhle: Are sure ( I nodded while finished off my burger , I drank water and laid back while closing my eyes .)



I looked at her as she closed her eyes , probably shutting the whole world out . I sat down on the visitor's chair I will leave when the visiting hours are over . Her mother arrived last night and she was here with her the whole night , she left today at the morning to go and change and bath  hopefully get some rest before she comes back.

I am just hoping that the decision that she is taking won't affect her as time goes by , I took out my phone and tried to call Msizi.  Dude went MIA on us , the last time I talked with him he said that he was getting a private investigator to look for Mihlali that was what , a few days before Mihlali went missing.

Buhle: Hello ( I said as soon as he answered)
Female: who is this ( I removed the phone from my ear and looked at the caller ID , making sure that I called the right number) if you are not going to talk I will hung up .
Buhle: hi this is Buhle can I talk to Msizi
Female: What do you want from Msizi?
Buhle: it is something private can I talk to him .
Female: You hoes don't know me , miss get this through you thick skull , Msizi is in a very serouse relationship so please don't ever call this number this better be the last time you are calling it or alse you will know me very well .

She hunged up,  she hunged up on me . So Msizi went on with his life as soon as Mihlali went missing. Tjo wonders shall never end , the man Mihlali dates , iyoh clap hands ones.


Jessica palmer

I looked at my picture with Msizi , we were both smiling and happy ,deeply in love .atleast life was peaceful than, we had our own relationship problems but we still found a common ground and fixed our issues . But than Mihlali came along and ruined everything .

Se me and Msizi we were in a relationship right but I wanst really totally in love with him , yes I like him but I do not love him . With james it is different everything just falls in to place , he is the one who introduced me to the business of human trafficking . I was in even when I dated Msizi , even though he did not that I am involved in human trafficking.

I hate what I am doing but the money was good , yes I am an actress and I get paid but that money is not enough , money is never enough . Even Elon mask is bloody rich but we have never heard that he is retiring.  I know what I am doing is wrong , I inflict pain on others while I on the other side I am making money with it . My day will come for me to pay for my sins , I bet even the heavens will celebrate on that day

The other girls they rescued they do not know who kidnapped them they only know the guards who worked there the only problem is Mihlali and Buhle , Buhle already knows that I am involved and has told the police while on the other side James is also busted but Mihlali doesn't know that he is involved .

I won't be going down on my own ,if I go down Mihlali will defiantly pay for it ,for now I will leave my life on the run . Right now I am on my way to Mozambique i will be crossing the border illegally with james ,money talks out there we will come back when things cool down and the case has gone cold .


Two day later ________


Mihlali Dlamini

I turned to the nurse and shock my head , she walked over and checked me

Nurse: Give it time the pill is still working .

She went back and sat down and got busy with her phone , she gave me one pill to drink and another one she put it inside my valva.  I've made my mind and I am getting rid of this forbidden baby , I know that I won't love this kid like a mother is supposed to love their own kids . Even if I kept the baby I would have killed it the moment it came out of a valva .

The pains started slow like period pains , as minutes went by they started picking up.  I was feeling hot that I took of my top and I was left with my bra , I told the nurse that I was in pain and she only said okey and went back to her phone. I felt like I needed to pee and she accompanied me to the toilet .

I felt the edge to push and I pushed , something wanted to come out of me  after pushing it finally came out . The toilet was red with blood , I flushed before I could look at it clear . I took a bath after I got cleaned and  than put on a pad and went to bed , the pain was still there but it was better  . I closed my eye wishing that I would never open them again in my life

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