My Past...

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A/N this chapter may be triggering for some. Mainly in the first flashback and after, but it isn't to detailed. I'm sorry, but if needed you can private message me.

I am so confused. I never stutter, I'm usually the cool and collected one, but I could not help myself in front Will. His eyes were like blue diamonds or the sky on a sunny day. His hair was a perfect mess. He looked like a model coming straight out of a magazine. My heart has never beat that fast. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was so captivated by his smile, I couldn't think straight. I didn't even care about the mocking of my friends.

Ughhh... I sound like a teenage girl, but I can't help to think of the sappy movies or stories my mother would tell me all those years ago. I was Juliet, and I would have done anything to see him again.

He probably wasn't even gay. And once again I have an unobtainable crush...

~~~~~flashback 2 years~~~~~
(There speaking in Italian but it's going to be written in English I'm to lazy to translate)
"Hey Anton." I said toy best friend. He was sitting on a bench in our local park.
"Hey Nico!" He seemed excited, but nervous at the same time. "I need to ask you something?" I couldn't help, but wonder did he like me back? I sat on the bench beside him.
"Well I want to ask out Marie, but I don't know what to do. Do you?"
"Umm..." honestly I was shocked. I was really hoping he would lo-like me back.

I really wanted to say 'no' but my mouth deceived me "umm... sure..." inside I was miserable. My crush liked someone else and I was supposed to get the together.
~~~ a few days later~~~
Anton and Marie are officially dating. I've been thanked by Anton a thousand times over. I was happy Anton was happy, but my heart was slowly shattering.
Later that day I decided to tell Anton I was gay. I met him at the park. I sat on the bench my fingers shaking on my bouncing knee ever once in a while I would run my hands through my hair. When Anton reached me he recognized my nervous habits. Slowly he sat down, he placed a hand on my shoulder, "hey, what's wrong?"

"Ok, I have something to tell you please don't hate me."
"I could never hate you, you're my best friend." His eyes showed concern, and I believed him, I really shouldn't have.

"I'm gay."
He sat there in shock and just stared at me for a few seconds, slowly his face morphed into one of disgust. "What? Your a freak," he yelled standing up, "how could you ever believe I would be ok with it, you are no longer a friend of mine. Stay away from me, I bet you even had a crush on me." He looked at my shocked face and shook his head, "you did, you did. Don't talk to me again." Slowly he got up and walked away. That's when the tears started, my best friend hated me.
~~~ end flashback~~~

I was bullied for the next two years. I was really depressed, I was on medication, and started smoking, I never cut to afraid someone would see. About two months ago I couldn't handle it anymore, I was bullied at school for being gay, my best friend left me, I had no other friends, and my mother and sister were dead. I attempted suicide. One night I went into my bathroom and took a hand full of sleeping pills. Luckily my dad found me in time. I got help, but it wouldn't my depression wouldn't go away. Eventually my dad and I left, thinking a new start would help.  It did, but what helped me the most was a call I got the day I got off the plane .
I looked at my caller I.D. it was Anton. I slowly gulped afraid of what he would say. Hesitantly I answered. "Hello..."

I could hear the tears in his voice as he practically screamed in my ear. I was so overwhelmed with emotion I didn't know if I should forgive him or not. I miss him... but because of him I was bullied. I'm so confused.

"Nico, please, say something."

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't get why you are confronting me now that I am half way across the world, and 2 years later? Explain to me Anton why did my best friend abandon me while I was bullied, had severe depression, and attempted suicide? Why now?" By now we were both crying.

"I'm so sorry Nico. I don't care that your gay or depressed your my best friend. My parents and friends brain washed me into believing there was something wrong with being gay, but there isn't. I regret everything that I did. I'm trying now. Please forgive me."

"I-I forgive you Anton."

"Thank you Nico, please come home I promise we can go back to before. We can make up for those years lost. Please Nico."

"...I can't do that Anton, I'm getting a fresh start. No one knows about my past here. If I come back it will all start over."

"Ok, I get it, but please don't forget me I'm here for you, from now on I promise."

"Ok, bye Anton."

"Bye Nico, talk to you later?"


With that we both ended the call. I didn't realize I sat down on a bench while talking, so I got up and met mywith dad smiling for the first time in 2 years.

~~~end flashback~~~

I think I should make a call to my best friend now.
A/N what do you guys think? How do you feel about Anton? I have mixed feelings, but please tell me your thoughts.

NIco di Angelo A High School auWhere stories live. Discover now