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*Yami view

"Is this... Isn't this the land of Sun!" I exclaimed with a large beam plastered onto my face as I recognised the forests in front of me, we were now on the edge of the land of Sun. I signal everyone to follow me with a huge wave, because from here on I remember every tiny detail through into the forest. 

After a little more while of running, I sensed something.... It was me..! But er- stronger and older.... Ryu and Ichika as well!!! And... prickly princess? No way, but this is also the older and stronger version of her.... and someone else.

Knowing this news, I sprint even faster, with prickly princess who was right beside me with a sly grin. I could hardly wait anymore! 

Soon, a few shadows was seen in the woods... They are right in front of my eyes. 

"AHHHHHHH!!!!! CAPTAIN YAMI AND CAPTAIN CHARLOTTE!!!!!!" Shouts appeared from behind, it seems like everyone noticed their presences. 

They all ran towards him, with happy tears rumbling out, well... Most of them did. The two "cool" captains just smiled at the sight. (while as Sol kept on trying to attack, the others stopping her)

However I wasn't able to comprehend this. I saw my sister glaring at me in hatred. Why though? She is my dearest sister... What have I done? Ryu smiling in an apologetical motion, another girl who looked like prickly princess, but with black hair looking at us in awe. Soon I spotted the future me... and prickly princess. However the future me is carrying her... I WONDER WHY? 

"Ichika? Ryu?" I mumbled, controlling my tears from rushing out. However as I walked closer, Ichika glared a me with disgust... More and more... I couldn't stand the hatred from both her face nor her ki anymore. I walked closer and asked,"What have I ever done to you... Ichika?"

Ichika only glared at me, I knew I must have done something wrong, but what.. What is it that I have done wrong is so bad that I deserve this... Ichika's face only darkened at the sight of me, I shivered, slowly I retreated in fear, my palms sweating itself out, my head uncontrollably moved down, I can't face her anymore, not when she is staring at me in this way. I felt a warm grip on my shoulder, I glanced back, it was Charlotte... she must have noticed I am in pain, she gave me a small smile, faintly she said,"Come on... Don't be sad, isn't this what you have been waiting for this whole time?"I mustered up a smile, hesitantly nodded, agreed,"right... " 

The me in the future, or so I think chuckled,"Aye, I see you have all met, great- Now follow me, I'd bring you all to home sweet home." The Charlotte in his arms was... smiling warmly as she was looking at him? 

Everyone agreed, followed his lead, with chuckles and giggles everywhere, they must have had a happy reunion. I wish I did too with Ichika... Man, she has no idea how much I missed her. 

"You must be young prickly queen!" I heard a husky voice from above, it was me, from the future. Charlotte frowned as she replied,"Who are you to call me that!" As she noticed her older self in his hands she shouted,"Why are you carrying future me! How dare you!" she begun to attempt to attack him, I pulled her back with a dull face, told her,"hey... stop it...." She didn't just not listen to me, she fought even harder. 

"You two are so cute!" I heard a voice from behind older me and old charlotte, it was a- uh- a girl who was being piggy bagged by Ichika, she continued with heart shaped eyes popping out, she jumped off Ichika and ran towards me and Charlotte and hugged us. Older me, older charlotte, Ichika and Ryus' eyes went popped out, Yami and Ichika shouted at the same time,"How are you walking?!" The young girl only blinked a few times with a smile on her face, she giggled,"Oops!" She explained,"I actually have a self healing technique that my mom taught me... So I was able to heal myself." Older Charlotte blushed, as she realised that her stupid, rubbish healing was not necessary. She added,"That is, when I am conscious, so thanks to Charlotte san I was able to survive."

I wanna get home!!! CharlottexYamiWhere stories live. Discover now