Chapter IX - Good Intentions

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Kota closed the door behind him, then turned to see Cordelia walking toward an enormous table near some cooking supplies. She leaned against the wood while she gestured for him to come further into the room. As he moved closer, he looked around to see food items placed around the room and shelves housing different goblets and pots.

"What did you think about the entertainment tonight?" asked Cordelia. "The way the two elements danced with each other was quite beautiful."

"It was fine."

Cordelia crossed her arms, eyeing him up and down. Her smile faded a touch as she met his stare. "I guess you are not here for small talk, and I did not bring you here to cook you a meal, so what is the first thing you would like to know?"

Kota walked a little further past her and leaned up against a smaller table near the furthest wall, moving some utensils to the side. He glanced down, tightening his hand into a fist, feeling the bandage around his wrist and hand under his glove. Looking back up at her, he remembered something she had said earlier. "What do you know about my mother?"

Smiling, she uncrossed her arms. "I know enough about her to say you might be better off now than you would have been if you knew her."

"Even with everything you put me through, I doubt that," he said, looking over at her sitting peacefully on the other table. "What is her name?"

Cordelia continued to return his gaze. "I am unsure of what name she uses now, but her name was Leora. Never knew her surname. She has been in hiding for quite a long time."

Kota took in this information, not knowing what to say to her next. He watched as she move her hand alongside a long table with an assortment of items. "She lived in a land far to the west, called Nora. She had a husband, although nothing is known about your father."

"Do I have any siblings?" asked Kota. He was breathing a little faster, getting marginally excited about some of the knowledge he was receiving.

She paused before shaking her head. "If you do, I do not care to know them; you are the only thing that is important at the moment."

Kota stood, taking a step forward before asking her antagonistically, "And why is that? I am not a caller, so I have no elemental abilities that would be useful to you, and I know nothing of my past."

"Calm down. If that is what you consider valuable, then you are sadly mistaken. That curse on your hand tells me something else completely," Cordelia explained, pointing at his left hand.

He looked down at his hand before removing the glove. Studying the bandage, he shook his head. "What does this have to tell you? Didn't you use this mark on someone else as well?"

She looked stunned as she focused on his hand. "How did you know about that?"

"I was told by someone the other day in a... It does not matter. What is this mark?" Kota asked, stopping before giving her any more information.

"One day you will find out, but as for now, I think enough time has passed to get everything into place, so we will have to be done with this conversation soon," said Cordelia.

She looked over at the window shutters as a wind picked up, jostling the boards. Kota looked over at the window as he thought about what she had said to him. He moved closer to the middle of the room as he paced. "Enough time has passed? Was all this just a ruse to get me away from the king?"

She nodded as she watched him swiftly move toward the door they had come through.

"I thought you would not kill us tonight. You promised me," Kota protested.

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