Chapter XIII - What Stalks the Night

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Kota opened his eyes, seeing the darkness of the night lying across the room. He sat up while glancing around, seeing the place empty except for himself. He watched the shadows of the furniture in the room grow with the moonlight from the window. His eyes continued to focus, as he could only see the shapes of the objects in the room without definition. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, then moved his left hand over his forehead and rubbed his temples. It must still be the middle of the night. Just one good night of sleep would be wonderful, Kota thought, taking a few more breaths before opening his eyes.

He clenched his fist, feeling the warmth of the mark on his palm. Then he took a deep breath as he heard the door to the room open. Placing his hand on the bed, he looked up to see Sonya walking into the room. Seeing no light coming from behind her, he asked, "Did I wake you, Sonya? I did not mean to be loud if I did."

She stayed silent as she stood in the open doorway, feet away from his bed. His eyes adjusted to the darkness, but he could not make out her facial features.

"Is everything all right?" he asked.

She stepped forward to the edge of the bed and placed her hand on the wooden frame near his feet. Looking at him, she sighed. "I am going to have to apologize for this. Barthe gave us such hospitality."

Kota sat up a little straighter as he looked more closely at her face, watching while she pulled her hair into a ponytail. "What do you have to apologize for?"

"This." Sonya reached behind her back, bringing her ax into her grip.

She quickly raised it above her head before bringing it down on the bed. The ax hit the blankets in the middle of the bed, and Kota rolled onto the floor, hurriedly grabbing his sword, which was propped up against his side table. He stared at Sonya while he aimed his weapon at her. She returned his look while standing on the bed, holding the ax into the bed.

He took a deep breath as she reached down and grabbed a pillow and threw it at Kota. Reacting, he sliced upward, splitting the pillow in half, and feathers flew throughout the room. Through the feathers, Sonya lunged at Kota, swiping her ax down at his shoulder, and he raised his blade to block hers.

"What the hell are you doing?" asked Kota as he tightened his grip with both hands on the hilt.

He shifted his blade to the crescent of the ax, moving his face closer to hers. She looked into his eyes as she told him, "I take no pleasure in this, but Cordelia gave me a new deal that I cannot refuse."

Kota looked into her eyes, feeling the sincerity of the words she spoke. She used her ax to twist the blade out of his right hand. He felt the sword rip out of his hand, and he watched the blade stick into the wooden floor below them. Without another second passing, she raised her foot into Kota's chest and forced him back into the wall. Grunting in pain, Kota watched as Sonya lunged forward again, aiming the blade of her ax down at his chest. Spinning to his right, he dodged the attempt, and the ax forced its way into the wall.

"Where are Alexis and Lucinda?"

"Do not worry, Kota. They are not here. She only wants your head!" yelled Sonya as she turned her back to Kota, ripping the ax out of the wall.

Kota ducked as Sonya spun, bringing the ax around, and it connected with the wall just a few inches above his head. Kota rapidly turned around, forcing his body closer to the ground as he lifted his right leg into Sonya's stomach, tearing her hands from the ax in the wall as she stumbled back. He then reached up, trying to wrench the ax out of the wall, only to stand there, pulling at the shaft as Sonya grabbed his right shoulder. He was moving his right arm before she could get a tight grip, and he quickly turned and punched her face, making her stumble back again.

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