Chapter XXI - The Blood Sun

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Kota kept his eyes closed as he felt the earth shake around him. The warden moved closer as his mace scraped along the cobblestones. He felt the warmth of the sun hit his face before he opened his eyes, seeing the warden's feet. Turning his attention, he looked over at Draven leaning against the pillar a few feet away from him. Draven smiled at him as he saw something out of the corner of his eye, and he drew the blade attached to his leg and gripped it in his right hand. The warden and Kota turned their focus to where he was looking, and they saw a figure wearing a black cloak that fell only to their elbows. Layered, dark gray leather armor hung a little past their waist. They wore nearly skintight black pants and gray ankle boots. Kota noticed there were tattoos on their forearms, creating a design pointing to their palms.

"I thought the orders were clear, Warden: the boy was not to be killed. He will be very disappointed to hear what you did to his daughter too," said the figure in a feminine voice.

Under her hood, a cloth wrap covered her mouth, and she pointed at Aria.

The warden moved away from Kota and pointed at the woman. "To hell with his orders. He has no control over me anymore, and the princess was a warning. She had her orders here and disobeyed them."

Kota looked over at Draven, who was not paying attention to him, so he maneuvered the key silently, trying to find the lock on his left wrist. Staying low and quiet, he focused on Draven as the warden added, "I was not planning on killing you just yet, woman, but plans can always change."

The woman took a wide stance, and her hood angled toward Kota as their eyes met. "Trust is a fickle thing, Kota, but you have two options right now: fight or die. You know what you must do. Maybe it's time to go on the offensive for once."

Kota froze for a second, knowing he had heard those words before.

Draven turned toward him before hearing him unlock the shackle around his left arm. Kota quickly scrambled to his feet, running toward Draven as he raised his sword. Kota lifted him before slamming him into the ground. Draven dropped his weapon to grip Kota's body and flip him over himself, and the two began rolling down the steps. After landing on his back at the bottom of the steps, Kota quickly rotated his body and rose to his feet. Draven walked up a few steps, grabbing his blade.

Draven wiped away a small line of blood above his mouth, then shook his head while aiming his sword at Kota. "I know the warden there really wanted to kill you, but it looks like he will not get his chance. Once I cut you down, I will get my sister back, and—"

"Oh, shut it," interrupted Kota as he took the chain within his right hand, spinning it. "I am going to knock that stupid grin from your earth-calling face."

Draven moved down a few steps, and Kota could see the frustration in his eyes. He took one more step as he lunged forward, and Draven brought his blade down toward Kota's head, giving him little time to react. Kota used his left arm to block the blade from his head. Draven quickly slashed across his chest, but Kota used the chain to wrap the sword, pulling them closer to each other. Kota smirked as Draven tried pulling the blade away from his target, but then he quickly jabbed with his left hand, landing a blow to Kota's side. Staggering back, Kota raised his left fist into the side of Draven's face, making him reel backward as the blade slipped from the chain. Draven caught himself against the edge of the tower as he touched the corner of his lip, feeling the blood that trickled down his chin.

Kota smiled as Draven's face grew red with anger. "I told you I would knock that grin from your face."

"You did, but now..." He clenched his left hand tightly before smashing it into the stone wall beside him, calling upon what unrefined earth he could.

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