Episode 4

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"Here we see the collector, child of the stars in his natural habitat while desperately trying to escape the prison he put himself into."

It was a clouded evening in the boiling isles. Hunter was running errands, Daria was making Dinner and Luz was just chilling in her room until she heard Nova call for her. She quickly came downstairs and soon started filming the scene she walked into.

Nova seemed to be stuck in a blanket burrito, trying to wiggle his way out, while Luz narrated his suffering in a british accent.

Nova released a frustrated grunt, cause he couldn't get out and Luz was no help.

"Stop filming and help me!"

He twisted and turned, but only seemed to get more tangled in the blanket and stuck in a funny and adorable position. Luz kept on filming, while occasionally giggling and awing at the child.


"I'm sorry, I can't help it. You're just too adorable." Luz gushed and added stickers in her video.

Novas voice became a few notes higher as he twisted himself in her direction."I am not adora-ahhh!" One twist too much and he fell face first off the couch with a small thud."Ow."

Good thing is he got untangled from the blanket, bad is it hurt, worse is Luz filmed it all, which could ruin his future reputation and worst of all Daria heard him. And when she hears he or Hunter are hurt, she goes full mama-mode.

She came in wearing her new apron stating, "Isles best A-mom-anation", which she started working on after Luz told them about her adventure in magic school.

Nova grumbled as she picked him off the floor and back onto the couch and looked him over for any bruises or scratches.

Luz giggled. She seemed to enjoy watching Nova being babied.

Nova pushed Daria's hand away from his face, obviously embarrassed.

"Stop that! I'm fine. I'm not a baby!"

Suddenly thunder crashed.


Nova quickly hid under the safety of the blanket, trembling intensely and whimpering.

Luz gasped excitedly. "Looks like it's gonna rain." She stood up ran towards the door.

"Luz, wait!"

But before she could reach it, Daria grabbed her by the hood of her hoodie and sat her next to Nova on the couch.

"Are you nuts!" Nova yelled."You can't just run into the rain!"

Luz was really confused."Of course I can, it's just rain."

"Maybe in your world but here rain is actually life threatening dangerous! This is called the boiling isles! Most of the water around is boiling hot and can burn away your skin in seconds!"

"Wow."Luz seemed genuinely fascinated. She didn't think the name "boiling isles" was so literal. "The weather here sounds so weird!"

"We don't have 'weather'." Nova made quotation marks at the word weather."We have plagues, gorenados, shale hail and painbows. They are like rainbows but looking at it turns you inside out."He explained as if it was normal."Anyway get yourself comfortable, we'll be stuck in here till it stops."

It quite freaked Luz out. She can never look at a rainbow the same or look at it ever again. Then something hit her and she gasped.

"Hunter's still out there in the rain! We gotta -"She jumped up from the couch but got pushed back down.

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