Episode 9

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"What if he gets hurt? What if the kids are mean to him? My parental instincts are freaking out, man."

It was a nice calm day on the Boiling Isles. It was sunny, yet cool, the perfect day to spend outside. Since today Nova was radiating eager playful energy, they decided to visit the Boiling Isles equivalent to a playground, aka. a slayground.

Upon arrival they met the little demon dog from the covention Nova had fun with that day. Nova, of course, didn't waste a single second and ran up to the demon, king as Nova shouted their name, and immediately began chatting away about their last adventures, while Hunter and Luz sat down on the bench.

And despite the cute scene of Nova filling king in who listened closely and excited, Luz couldn't but worry.

Hunter though was quite relaxed, which wasn't so usual, especially since Luz came here.

"He's fine." He was quick to reassure her."Look at him."

She did and could calm down at seeing his happy grin as he followed king to the bottom of the slide.

"It does look like he's having fun."

The teenagers watched the dou climbing up the slide.

"I wonder what cute little game they're playing."

When the two children reached the top which was not very far or high, they cheered and turned to the other little kids in a triumphant pose.

"All hail to your new kings!" Nova cheered.

"Bow, you snotty underlings. Bow!"King demanded.

The children on the slayground didn't seem to give it much thought though. They said okay and did funny poses that didn't resemble a bow at all, but it was enough for the boys on their throne.

"Yes. Appease your masters."

The boys were too caught up celebrating their successful conquest they didn't notice the red haired snotting child behind them until it was too late.

"This isn't for standing, it's for sliding. You try." And without any afterthought he pushed the dou down the slide. Instead of sliding though they tumbled down, with King ending up on top of Nova.

Nova picked himself off the ground and ran to his older brother.

"Hunter!" Nova stopped infront of the two teenagers and stomped his little foot. "That monster took our throne!" He whined, King nodding from where he hung on Nova's shoulders.

"It's just a kid." Hunter replied.

"No, it's not!" King hopped over Nova's head and landed in front of Hunter."This usurper must be taken down. Go over there and blow him up! Kaboom!" He shouted and the same kid he referred to repeated his last word.

Luz and even Nova stared in shock. This went from simple play pretend to bloodthirsty revenge real fast. King had some serious issues, that they could agree on.

Hunter though was less fazed. He simply raised an eyebrow at the demons weirdly creepy need of violence.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna blow up a five-year-old." He simply answered.

"Fine. Don't help. Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by our hands alone."He finished off his speech with an evil laughter.

That didn't last long though as the kid who pushed him and Nova down earlier pushed King again and ran away laughing. Seriously, where are the kids parents. Hunter would sure have a talk with them.


Said demon laid face first on the ground for a second, then began grunting and grumbling as he tensed up and rose as stiff as a wooden plank. Then he fell on his butt and thrashed around him in a tantrum while letting out a high pitched squeal reminiscent of the sound of a boiling teakettle. After that he ran off with another squeal.

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