Charlie the Cat

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Charlie did steal makeup from Kat and Davis a lot and got very fixated on doing makeup.

He ended up watching a lot of tutorials, and had Vanny, Mia, and Gomez as his models.

He still wears makeup now, and regularly paints Gomez and Mia's nails bc he refuses to let them use his nail polish.

Charlie still paints Mia's nails mainly bc she used to have a tendency to bite her nails til they bled. He never told her this was the reason, and she subconsciously stopped biting her nails, and has gotten better at keeping her nails long.

Now Charlie doesn't stop painting them bc, one, he doesn't want Mia to suspect anything, and two, he doesn't want her to start doing it again.

He also has tried painting Lassy's nails, bc she also bites her nails, but she doesn't stay still long enough for him to paint them. Also it doesn't work anyway bc Lassy's dumbass will straight tup eat the nail polish bc its shiny

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