Ivy Gardner

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- Ivy hates the dark, and used to automatically freeze every time she got stuck in the dark. Nowadays though, while she gets super anxious by the dark, she's gotten better at forcing herself to find a light switch or turning on her phone light.

- Ivy is extremely dramatic when she's sick. She will feel and act like she's dying, and will often call Vendi or Sabrina to come take care of her. Granted, Vendi worries a lot about her when she does get sick, and absolutely never wants to leave her alone and will check on her constantly, and will not let her work if she even sniffles. Last time she got sick, Vendi stopped by her apartment with warm tea and chicken noodle soup that he made, and stayed in her guest room to make sure she is alright.

- Ivy was always deemed the logical one in most friend groups she's been in, real and fake. No matter the name, no matter the role she has taken, she turns into the same uptight, logical one.

- She has a Game Boy from before she was taken in by Vendi. It has a case and everything, and while Ivy never plays it anymore because she is scared to, she keeps it in pristine condition and brings it with her to every new location she stays at.

- Her childhood movie was Anastasia. She still has a VCR of it, though she doesn't watch it since she doesn't have a VCR player anymore due to her old one breaking.  

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